Feel free to watch the full interview above or read the summary below.
Referral Program Overview
Can you give me an overview of your business?
Juzto is a legal pack or some call it legal tech. We provide Law services to consumers and our main goal is to fight against bureaucracy and corruption in Latin America. Latin America is full of abuse from public and private entities against consumers. Our goal is to use technology in order to level that situation in favor of our customers. We were founded two years ago and we have a variety of products that fight claims for consumers.
Our main product is fighting traffic tickets fines. In Colombia, 2 million traffic tickets are imposed every year and they are completely illegal because they're taken with cameras when you are driving but they cannot identify the driver. Therefore, they never notify you, send you an email, or a letter through the mail. You never know and eventually, you are just found guilty and were never given the chance for due process.
We have developed some Robotic Process Automation (RPA) systems with a lot of integrations to take care of this problem for our customers. Let’s say the ticket is $300, with us, you pay $50 and we take charge of everything and erase that ticket from your history. That's our main product.
We also have other products we are developing to fight against airplane tickets claims, credit bureaus abuses, and a few others in the works. That's what we do, we fight for citizens’ rights.
How did you come up with the idea?
My partner is a lawyer, but he hates law and I'm a business designer. I studied industrial design and then I went to Italy and did a master's in Business Design and Design Thinking. I have always been very pissed off over the abuses here in Latin America.
My previous business was a Web to Print Service here in Columbia. I learned a lot about technology, marketing, and product design. I was sick and tired of putting ink on paper. It was cool the first two years, but then I felt like I was not giving any value back to society. I was just contributing to messing up the environment with paper and ink. So we got together, decided to fight this cause, and started Juzto.
How big is your business today?
Currently, we are doing $50,000/month, taking care of about 1,500 new cases/month and growing 20% - 25%/month.
What are you doing for marketing?
When people feel like they're being abused by an entity or get a traffic ticket, they go to Google and proactively try to solve that problem. We run a lot of Google Ad search campaigns so that our product shows up when they search. We have like a 98% impression share at this moment for our main keywords.
Why did you decide to run a referral program?
If we save you from a traffic ticket, you will be willing to refer me to your friends. Right? We are becoming, and want to become, the first consumer hero company in Colombia, and as result, we are starting to see more and more referrals.
Why did you choose ReferralHero?
We have an advisor, he uses your services and referred us to you :) At first, I was skeptical if people were going to share our product and if the economics would work for us. I did a little test and it worked, I could see that people were willing to share it so we decided to integrate it more closely into our product.
Referral Program Campaign Setup
What is the user journey like for someone subscribing to your referral program?
1. Person google searches for “fight speeding ticket” in Columbia.
2. They click on our ad and visit our main webpage.

3. Here you are going to fill out the information about your traffic ticket, your personal data, and start the process.

4. Right below that we have built a lead capture and referral program into one campaign using ReferralHero.

5. When you subscribe to the widget, you will get:
- 15% off on your first order/claim just for signing up.
- ~$5 coupon whenever you refer a friend and that friend also fights a traffic ticket with us.
- ~$100 gas gift card awarded once a month to whoever refers the most people during the current month.
6. We use the ReferralHero automated emails to give the users the coupons. We normally do a batch of 1000 coupons, and we upload them to ReferralHero. When they confirm their email address, they get a welcome email that includes the coupon.

How did you come up with those rewards and have you experimented with any other types of rewards?
A girl on our team read through the ReferralHero Academy, was inspired, and came up with the rewards. It’s a good resource. When we launched, we only gave the 15% off benefit to the users because we didn't set up the ReferralHero integration with our checkout page to confirm a purchase from a referral. We added the second and third rewards later and the integration with the confirmation page was actually super easy to do.
Referral Program Results
Do you have any goals for the campaign?
We don't have a marketing team. It’s funny, but I'm the only one doing marketing and I spend 10 hours a month on marketing in total. We launched the campaign as fast as possible but didn’t put much effort into doing nice referral emails or storytelling so I actually think we can improve the results.
There is a cost to use ReferralHero and if we think about it, all we need is three orders a month that come from referrals and we cover our costs. I always see like 3 or more conversions coming in each month so it's a safe cost.
We are also looking for investors and trying to fundraise. ReferralHero provides us data that is useful in showing investors we are able to acquire users via referrals and not just through paid advertising.
Have you been able to see any increase in revenue or growth because of ReferralHero?
Yes, it’s driving sales because each time a successful referral takes place we get your email notification.

What do you think is the most important aspect of your referral program?
The functionalities of how you integrate with different social media. Being able to set the message and see how people are sharing is very important. What we have been seeing is that people are sharing a lot on Facebook and WhatsApp. WhatsApp is one of the best channels because like 98% of people have access to it here. We are starting to also see shares on Twitter and we know they come from ReferralHero because we search for those mentions and they show up with the message that we have pre-defined for Twitter!

Another part that is important, is how you tie the referrals to your conversion metric and how you can integrate ReferralHero to your conversion page. If we didn’t do this, we may have had shut down this campaign and it's just one little code that you need to add.
Finally set up the referral notification. That means a conversion is happening through the campaign. You want to know that.
Thanks to Felipe for speaking with me today. Visit Juzto to learn more about their product.