SaaS Gains 5K Referrals With Referral Program [Case Study TrueProfile]

September 20, 2023

Referral Program Overview is revolutionizing the hiring process in the healthcare industry by offering a neutral platform where employers and job seekers can establish trust through verified information. Through their innovative referral program, they are taking trust-building to new heights. helps to bridge the trust gap in the hiring process by providing a neutral platform where employers and job seekers can build trust through verified information.

By participating in's referral program, individuals have the power to contribute to a network of trust within the platform. When they refer someone to, they are introducing them to a reliable environment where employers and job seekers can connect with confidence.

“We are running an ambassador program to promote a dream we are selling to our users, which is to get a job in the healthcare industry and move abroad. The most important aspect as well is to drive our main KPI which is user growth, as is in a growth stage.” 
Esmar Mesic, Head of Product @ 

Referrals are a powerful tool in strengthening the hiring process, and understands their significance. By leveraging personal networks and recommending, individuals become catalysts for building trust in the professional community and driving growth for the company.

Referral Program Rewards

As part of their commitment to fostering a strong and engaged community, offers enticing rewards through their referral program. Ambassadors have the opportunity to earn $5 in TrueProfile (TP) Credits for each friend they refer who successfully signs up for the platform.

The rewards program serves as a win-win situation for both existing users and their referred friends. By inviting others to join, ambassadors not only expand the platform's reach but also contribute to building a more robust professional network and community. Moreover, the referred friends gain access to the benefits and opportunities offered by, enhancing their career prospects and professional growth, plus chance to get verified for free (double sided rewards)

Earning the referral rewards is straightforward and hassle-free. Once a friend signs up using the unique referral link provided by the ambassador, and their account is successfully verified, the ambassador becomes eligible for the $5 reward. This incentivizes ambassadors to actively share their positive experiences and the value they have derived from with their networks.

Referral Program Participant Flow's referral program participant flow is designed to provide a seamless and user-friendly experience. From signing up and sharing referral links to earning rewards and monitoring referral activities, participants can easily navigate each step and contribute to the growth and success of's trusted professional community.

Step 1

To kickstart their journey, users begin by visiting the dedicated sign-up landing page. Here, they can create their account by providing the necessary information and completing the registration process.

Step 2

Once the sign-up process is completed, users receive an email confirmation. They are prompted to confirm their email address, ensuring the accuracy and validity of their account.

Step 3

After confirming their email, users gain access to their personalized user dashboard, which serves as the central hub for managing their profile, accessing services, and engaging in the referral program.

Once logged in, users are presented with their main user dashboard, which includes a dedicated ReferralHero referral widget. This widget provides users with essential tools to easily share their unique referral link and utilize four popular social share buttons, including Facebook Messenger, Viber, WhatsApp, and Line. These features enable users to effectively spread the word about and maximize their referral potential.

Step 4

With their personal referral link in hand, users have the freedom to effortlessly share it via various methods. For example, here's an inspiring message shared via WhatsApp:

Step 5

When a referred friend receives the shared referral link, they are directed to the sign-up landing page. Here, they can follow the registration process to create their own account.

Step 6

Once the referred friend successfully signs up for, the ambassador becomes eligible for their well-deserved reward. A credit of $5 is added to the ambassador’s account as a token of appreciation.

Step 7

To keep track of their referral activities and rewards, the ambassador can conveniently access their user dashboard. By clicking on the 'Check My Referrals' section, they can view a comprehensive overview of their referral activities and monitor their progress.

With a seamless participant flow,'s referral program fosters a viral referral loop. As more users join the platform through referrals, the network expands, creating a powerful cycle of trusted connections and rewards.

Referral Program Launch's referral program made its grand debut on October 27, 2022, with an astute understanding of the significant benefits that come with leveraging their existing user base. By tapping into their loyal and satisfied users, was able to capitalize on the power of word-of-mouth marketing and maximize the impact of their promotional efforts.

Tapping into the existing user base for the referral program brings several advantages: 

  • Existing users have already experienced the value and benefits of firsthand. They have built trust in the platform and are more likely to have a positive perception of the services offered. This positive sentiment can be harnessed and channeled into enthusiastic referrals to their friends, colleagues, and professional networks.
  • Existing users have already established connections and relationships with individuals who may be potential users of By tapping into this network, the referral program gains access to a pool of potential users who are more likely to have similar professional backgrounds or interests. This targeted approach increases the chances of acquiring high-quality referrals who are more likely to engage with the platform and become valuable long-term users.
  • Existing users often have a vested interest in the success and growth of the platform. By providing them with an opportunity to refer others, empowers its users and makes them active participants in the platform's expansion. This sense of ownership and involvement can strengthen the loyalty and engagement of existing users, creating a positive feedback loop where they not only refer others but also continue to actively use and promote

As new users sign up for an account, they are greeted with a personalized welcome email that not only introduces them to the platform but also presents a unique opportunity to participate in the referral program. Within the email, a dedicated section showcases an enticing referral message: "Invite your friends to join, and we'll reward you with $5 for each friend that signs up." 

To take immediate action, users simply click on the “refer a friend” button that directs them to the referral landing page.

This strategic launch approach not only captured the attention and interest of new users but also effectively harnessed the enthusiasm and loyalty of existing users. By encouraging them to spread the word and invite their friends, the referral program created a win-win situation, allowing users to earn rewards while expanding the community.

With this well-executed referral program launch, demonstrated its commitment to providing value to its users while fostering organic growth through word-of-mouth recommendations.

Referral Program Ongoing Promotion's ongoing promotion of its referral program is pervasive, extending its reach from the moment users sign up for an account and receive the email confirmation. As part of their comprehensive promotional strategy, ensures that users are consistently reminded of the referral program's benefits and rewards.

Email automations

1. Email Confirmation

Embedded within the email confirmation, users will find a prominent message at the bottom that reads "Refer friends and get rewards". By strategically placing the referral program message within the email confirmation, capitalizes on the heightened engagement and attention of users at that moment. It ensures that the referral program is easily accessible right from the start of the user journey.

2. Follow-up Email

In a follow-up email, reminds users who have signed up but haven't yet shared their referral link about the benefits they can unlock. The email highlights the simplicity of the process, emphasizing that by sharing their unique link, users can start earning credits once their friends sign up.

Referral Landing Page

1. Dedicated referral landing page on the marketing website

The dedicated referral landing page, accessible through the top navigation dropdown menu under the "Refer a Friend" subtopic, on’s homepage provides comprehensive information about the program's advantages and offers step-by-step instructions on how to participate.

By following these simple steps, users can actively participate in the referral program and unlock exciting rewards that enhance their professional profile and open doors to new career prospects. 

It’s important to note that this landing page acts more as a referral program informational page/lead magnet by requiring users to first “Create a Free account”. 

2. Logged-in/in-app referral landing page strives to provide a seamless and personalized user experience. As part of their ongoing promotion, they have created a referral in-app landing page specifically designed for logged-in users. This landing page can be accessed by clicking the "Check My Referrals" button, conveniently located within the referral widget on the main user dashboard.

On the in-app referral landing page, users can track the status of their referrals and see how much $credit they have earned for completed referrals. uses the ReferralHero REST API to ensure that the user experience is customized and provides users with real-time updates on the progress and success of their referral efforts.

Social Media Engagement 

1. Twitter's referral program extends to various social media platforms, including Twitter, where ambassadors can maximize their reach by crafting captivating tweets that highlight the advantages of sharing their unique referral code.

2. Facebook also harnesses the power of social connections on Facebook to make the most of their referral program. By regularly posting and sharing about the program on Facebook, encourages their Facebook followers to refer their brand to their networks, thereby increasing visibility and reach. not only promotes its referral program on Facebook but also spotlights the top ambassadors. In a recent Facebook announcement, they highlighted Dr. Zainab Humayun's success. Dr. Zainab shared her referral link with over 70 friends, earning $360 in account credits, which she used for document verifications.

3. LinkedIn leverages LinkedIn's professional community to actively share its referral program, highlighting the benefits it offers. Through regular posts, LinkedIn followers are informed about the program, encouraged to make referrals, and can foster valuable professional connections.

4. Instagram takes advantage of the popular social media platform Instagram to share its referral program with a wider audience. By leveraging Instagram's visually-driven nature, creatively promotes its referral program and engages with users in a visually appealing way.

Blog Post recognizes that maintaining an engaging and vibrant referral program is essential for nurturing a thriving community. To achieve this, they've adopted a clever strategy: dual-purpose blog posts. 

These blog posts are a regular fixture on Not only do they educate members about the platform's services, but they also shine a spotlight on the latest updates, such as the introduction of the Help-A-Friend Scholarship Fund. As a result, these posts have become invaluable resources, keeping members well-informed about opportunities to refer their friends. 

When unveiled the Help-A-Friend Scholarship Fund, they leveraged a dedicated blog post to create a palpable buzz within their community. This blog post served as the official announcement, presenting all the intricate details of the scholarship fund, including a comprehensive guide on how members could actively participate by referring their friends. This multifaceted approach not only stirred excitement but also established a central repository where members could access all the pertinent information about the program. 

What's particularly brilliant about using blog posts for promotion is their enduring accessibility. Even as the initial excitement surrounding the scholarship fund subsided,'s blog post continued to serve as an evergreen reference point for members keen on participating. This strategic longevity guaranteed the sustained promotion of their referral program, maintaining member engagement and driving continuous growth.

Referral Program Results's referral program is definitely making waves, with 1590 active ambassadors referring on average 3.6 unique users each. Thanks to their efforts, the website has seen a total 5,818 converted referrals at an improved customer acquisition cost (CAC).

The current average CAC is around $3, and LTV is $29, compared with a lower CAC for referred users $1, and a higher LTV of $33. 
Esmar Mesic, Head of Product @

While the initial results look good, has over 200,000 users with referral links but only ~1590 of them are active ambassadors. These statistics underscore the potential for growth lies in increasing ambassador participation. Strategies such as enhancing rewards, running limited-time contests, or implementing double-sided rewards could further capitalize on this opportunity to foster even more growth and engagement within the community.

On the day of the first announcement on Oct 27, 2022

  • Number of subscribers: 11
  • Number of referrals: 4 

Results after one week on Nov 3, 2022

  • Number of subscribers: 53
  • Number of referrals: 27
  • Referral rate: 22.64% (12 subscribers have referred more than 1 person/total 53 subscribers)
  • Referral growth: 103.84% (27 referred subscribers/(53-27)organic subscribers)

Results after one month on Nov 27, 2022

  • Number of subscribers: 363
  • Number of referrals: 208
  • Referral rate: 26.99% (98 subscribers have referred more than 1 person) 
  • Referral growth: 134.19% 

All time results as of Sept 2 23, 2023

  • Number of subscribers: 7125
  • Number of referrals: 5818
  • Referral rate: 22.31% (1590 subscribers have referred more than 1 person) 
  • Referral growth: 445.14%

By continuing to iterate and improve the program, is able to solidify its position as a leading platform for professional verification, while empowering users to advocate for the platform and reap the benefits of their referrals.

In conclusion,'s innovative referral program has demonstrated its ability to foster trust and engagement within its professional community. By empowering its users to become ambassadors and share their positive experiences, has not only expanded its user base but has also solidified its reputation as a platform built on verified information and trust.

As team finds a tremendous value in driving signups as our NorthStar metric, therefore, launching job referrals is the next big thing for us to do.
Esmar Mesic, Head of Product @

The program's success lies not only in its reward structure but also in its strategic approach to leveraging existing users as brand advocates.'s commitment to user engagement is evident in its pervasive promotion of the referral program, from personalized emails to social media engagement and informative blog posts. This holistic approach ensures that users are consistently reminded of the benefits of participating in the referral program.

While the numbers speak to the program's effectiveness, it's important to emphasize that's greatest opportunity for growth lies in encouraging more users to become active ambassadors. By nurturing this community of advocates and exploring creative ways to enhance their participation, can further solidify its position as a trusted platform for professionals seeking verified information. team is grateful that products such as ReferralHero exist which enables anyone even with limited tech knowledge to run the referral program, gain a bunch of important insights and get inspired by various case studies from various industries. Keep rocking!
Esmar Mesic, Head of Product @

Ready to 10x your software platform, mobile app, or web3 company with our automated growth engine?

In just 14 days, we help you build the same waitlist, contest, or referral program used to launch and scale Airbnb, Uber, PayPal, and 1000s of other businesses. Start your ReferralHero free trial today.

Ready to 10x your referrals with our automated referral growth engine?

In just 14 days, we help you build the same waitlist, contest, affiliate, or referral program used to launch and scale Airbnb, Uber, PayPal, and 1000s of other businesses. Start your ReferralHero free trial today.

September 20, 2023

Referral Program Overview is revolutionizing the hiring process in the healthcare industry by offering a neutral platform where employers and job seekers can establish trust through verified information. Through their innovative referral program, they are taking trust-building to new heights. helps to bridge the trust gap in the hiring process by providing a neutral platform where employers and job seekers can build trust through verified information.

By participating in's referral program, individuals have the power to contribute to a network of trust within the platform. When they refer someone to, they are introducing them to a reliable environment where employers and job seekers can connect with confidence.

“We are running an ambassador program to promote a dream we are selling to our users, which is to get a job in the healthcare industry and move abroad. The most important aspect as well is to drive our main KPI which is user growth, as is in a growth stage.” 
Esmar Mesic, Head of Product @ 

Referrals are a powerful tool in strengthening the hiring process, and understands their significance. By leveraging personal networks and recommending, individuals become catalysts for building trust in the professional community and driving growth for the company.

Referral Program Rewards

As part of their commitment to fostering a strong and engaged community, offers enticing rewards through their referral program. Ambassadors have the opportunity to earn $5 in TrueProfile (TP) Credits for each friend they refer who successfully signs up for the platform.

The rewards program serves as a win-win situation for both existing users and their referred friends. By inviting others to join, ambassadors not only expand the platform's reach but also contribute to building a more robust professional network and community. Moreover, the referred friends gain access to the benefits and opportunities offered by, enhancing their career prospects and professional growth, plus chance to get verified for free (double sided rewards)

Earning the referral rewards is straightforward and hassle-free. Once a friend signs up using the unique referral link provided by the ambassador, and their account is successfully verified, the ambassador becomes eligible for the $5 reward. This incentivizes ambassadors to actively share their positive experiences and the value they have derived from with their networks.

Referral Program Participant Flow's referral program participant flow is designed to provide a seamless and user-friendly experience. From signing up and sharing referral links to earning rewards and monitoring referral activities, participants can easily navigate each step and contribute to the growth and success of's trusted professional community.

Step 1

To kickstart their journey, users begin by visiting the dedicated sign-up landing page. Here, they can create their account by providing the necessary information and completing the registration process.

Step 2

Once the sign-up process is completed, users receive an email confirmation. They are prompted to confirm their email address, ensuring the accuracy and validity of their account.

Step 3

After confirming their email, users gain access to their personalized user dashboard, which serves as the central hub for managing their profile, accessing services, and engaging in the referral program.

Once logged in, users are presented with their main user dashboard, which includes a dedicated ReferralHero referral widget. This widget provides users with essential tools to easily share their unique referral link and utilize four popular social share buttons, including Facebook Messenger, Viber, WhatsApp, and Line. These features enable users to effectively spread the word about and maximize their referral potential.

Step 4

With their personal referral link in hand, users have the freedom to effortlessly share it via various methods. For example, here's an inspiring message shared via WhatsApp:

Step 5

When a referred friend receives the shared referral link, they are directed to the sign-up landing page. Here, they can follow the registration process to create their own account.

Step 6

Once the referred friend successfully signs up for, the ambassador becomes eligible for their well-deserved reward. A credit of $5 is added to the ambassador’s account as a token of appreciation.

Step 7

To keep track of their referral activities and rewards, the ambassador can conveniently access their user dashboard. By clicking on the 'Check My Referrals' section, they can view a comprehensive overview of their referral activities and monitor their progress.

With a seamless participant flow,'s referral program fosters a viral referral loop. As more users join the platform through referrals, the network expands, creating a powerful cycle of trusted connections and rewards.

Referral Program Launch's referral program made its grand debut on October 27, 2022, with an astute understanding of the significant benefits that come with leveraging their existing user base. By tapping into their loyal and satisfied users, was able to capitalize on the power of word-of-mouth marketing and maximize the impact of their promotional efforts.

Tapping into the existing user base for the referral program brings several advantages: 

  • Existing users have already experienced the value and benefits of firsthand. They have built trust in the platform and are more likely to have a positive perception of the services offered. This positive sentiment can be harnessed and channeled into enthusiastic referrals to their friends, colleagues, and professional networks.
  • Existing users have already established connections and relationships with individuals who may be potential users of By tapping into this network, the referral program gains access to a pool of potential users who are more likely to have similar professional backgrounds or interests. This targeted approach increases the chances of acquiring high-quality referrals who are more likely to engage with the platform and become valuable long-term users.
  • Existing users often have a vested interest in the success and growth of the platform. By providing them with an opportunity to refer others, empowers its users and makes them active participants in the platform's expansion. This sense of ownership and involvement can strengthen the loyalty and engagement of existing users, creating a positive feedback loop where they not only refer others but also continue to actively use and promote

As new users sign up for an account, they are greeted with a personalized welcome email that not only introduces them to the platform but also presents a unique opportunity to participate in the referral program. Within the email, a dedicated section showcases an enticing referral message: "Invite your friends to join, and we'll reward you with $5 for each friend that signs up." 

To take immediate action, users simply click on the “refer a friend” button that directs them to the referral landing page.

This strategic launch approach not only captured the attention and interest of new users but also effectively harnessed the enthusiasm and loyalty of existing users. By encouraging them to spread the word and invite their friends, the referral program created a win-win situation, allowing users to earn rewards while expanding the community.

With this well-executed referral program launch, demonstrated its commitment to providing value to its users while fostering organic growth through word-of-mouth recommendations.

Referral Program Ongoing Promotion's ongoing promotion of its referral program is pervasive, extending its reach from the moment users sign up for an account and receive the email confirmation. As part of their comprehensive promotional strategy, ensures that users are consistently reminded of the referral program's benefits and rewards.

Email automations

1. Email Confirmation

Embedded within the email confirmation, users will find a prominent message at the bottom that reads "Refer friends and get rewards". By strategically placing the referral program message within the email confirmation, capitalizes on the heightened engagement and attention of users at that moment. It ensures that the referral program is easily accessible right from the start of the user journey.

2. Follow-up Email

In a follow-up email, reminds users who have signed up but haven't yet shared their referral link about the benefits they can unlock. The email highlights the simplicity of the process, emphasizing that by sharing their unique link, users can start earning credits once their friends sign up.

Referral Landing Page

1. Dedicated referral landing page on the marketing website

The dedicated referral landing page, accessible through the top navigation dropdown menu under the "Refer a Friend" subtopic, on’s homepage provides comprehensive information about the program's advantages and offers step-by-step instructions on how to participate.

By following these simple steps, users can actively participate in the referral program and unlock exciting rewards that enhance their professional profile and open doors to new career prospects. 

It’s important to note that this landing page acts more as a referral program informational page/lead magnet by requiring users to first “Create a Free account”. 

2. Logged-in/in-app referral landing page strives to provide a seamless and personalized user experience. As part of their ongoing promotion, they have created a referral in-app landing page specifically designed for logged-in users. This landing page can be accessed by clicking the "Check My Referrals" button, conveniently located within the referral widget on the main user dashboard.

On the in-app referral landing page, users can track the status of their referrals and see how much $credit they have earned for completed referrals. uses the ReferralHero REST API to ensure that the user experience is customized and provides users with real-time updates on the progress and success of their referral efforts.

Social Media Engagement 

1. Twitter's referral program extends to various social media platforms, including Twitter, where ambassadors can maximize their reach by crafting captivating tweets that highlight the advantages of sharing their unique referral code.

2. Facebook also harnesses the power of social connections on Facebook to make the most of their referral program. By regularly posting and sharing about the program on Facebook, encourages their Facebook followers to refer their brand to their networks, thereby increasing visibility and reach. not only promotes its referral program on Facebook but also spotlights the top ambassadors. In a recent Facebook announcement, they highlighted Dr. Zainab Humayun's success. Dr. Zainab shared her referral link with over 70 friends, earning $360 in account credits, which she used for document verifications.

3. LinkedIn leverages LinkedIn's professional community to actively share its referral program, highlighting the benefits it offers. Through regular posts, LinkedIn followers are informed about the program, encouraged to make referrals, and can foster valuable professional connections.

4. Instagram takes advantage of the popular social media platform Instagram to share its referral program with a wider audience. By leveraging Instagram's visually-driven nature, creatively promotes its referral program and engages with users in a visually appealing way.

Blog Post recognizes that maintaining an engaging and vibrant referral program is essential for nurturing a thriving community. To achieve this, they've adopted a clever strategy: dual-purpose blog posts. 

These blog posts are a regular fixture on Not only do they educate members about the platform's services, but they also shine a spotlight on the latest updates, such as the introduction of the Help-A-Friend Scholarship Fund. As a result, these posts have become invaluable resources, keeping members well-informed about opportunities to refer their friends. 

When unveiled the Help-A-Friend Scholarship Fund, they leveraged a dedicated blog post to create a palpable buzz within their community. This blog post served as the official announcement, presenting all the intricate details of the scholarship fund, including a comprehensive guide on how members could actively participate by referring their friends. This multifaceted approach not only stirred excitement but also established a central repository where members could access all the pertinent information about the program. 

What's particularly brilliant about using blog posts for promotion is their enduring accessibility. Even as the initial excitement surrounding the scholarship fund subsided,'s blog post continued to serve as an evergreen reference point for members keen on participating. This strategic longevity guaranteed the sustained promotion of their referral program, maintaining member engagement and driving continuous growth.

Referral Program Results's referral program is definitely making waves, with 1590 active ambassadors referring on average 3.6 unique users each. Thanks to their efforts, the website has seen a total 5,818 converted referrals at an improved customer acquisition cost (CAC).

The current average CAC is around $3, and LTV is $29, compared with a lower CAC for referred users $1, and a higher LTV of $33. 
Esmar Mesic, Head of Product @

While the initial results look good, has over 200,000 users with referral links but only ~1590 of them are active ambassadors. These statistics underscore the potential for growth lies in increasing ambassador participation. Strategies such as enhancing rewards, running limited-time contests, or implementing double-sided rewards could further capitalize on this opportunity to foster even more growth and engagement within the community.

On the day of the first announcement on Oct 27, 2022

  • Number of subscribers: 11
  • Number of referrals: 4 

Results after one week on Nov 3, 2022

  • Number of subscribers: 53
  • Number of referrals: 27
  • Referral rate: 22.64% (12 subscribers have referred more than 1 person/total 53 subscribers)
  • Referral growth: 103.84% (27 referred subscribers/(53-27)organic subscribers)

Results after one month on Nov 27, 2022

  • Number of subscribers: 363
  • Number of referrals: 208
  • Referral rate: 26.99% (98 subscribers have referred more than 1 person) 
  • Referral growth: 134.19% 

All time results as of Sept 2 23, 2023

  • Number of subscribers: 7125
  • Number of referrals: 5818
  • Referral rate: 22.31% (1590 subscribers have referred more than 1 person) 
  • Referral growth: 445.14%

By continuing to iterate and improve the program, is able to solidify its position as a leading platform for professional verification, while empowering users to advocate for the platform and reap the benefits of their referrals.

In conclusion,'s innovative referral program has demonstrated its ability to foster trust and engagement within its professional community. By empowering its users to become ambassadors and share their positive experiences, has not only expanded its user base but has also solidified its reputation as a platform built on verified information and trust.

As team finds a tremendous value in driving signups as our NorthStar metric, therefore, launching job referrals is the next big thing for us to do.
Esmar Mesic, Head of Product @

The program's success lies not only in its reward structure but also in its strategic approach to leveraging existing users as brand advocates.'s commitment to user engagement is evident in its pervasive promotion of the referral program, from personalized emails to social media engagement and informative blog posts. This holistic approach ensures that users are consistently reminded of the benefits of participating in the referral program.

While the numbers speak to the program's effectiveness, it's important to emphasize that's greatest opportunity for growth lies in encouraging more users to become active ambassadors. By nurturing this community of advocates and exploring creative ways to enhance their participation, can further solidify its position as a trusted platform for professionals seeking verified information. team is grateful that products such as ReferralHero exist which enables anyone even with limited tech knowledge to run the referral program, gain a bunch of important insights and get inspired by various case studies from various industries. Keep rocking!
Esmar Mesic, Head of Product @

Ready to 10x your software platform, mobile app, or web3 company with our automated growth engine?

In just 14 days, we help you build the same waitlist, contest, or referral program used to launch and scale Airbnb, Uber, PayPal, and 1000s of other businesses. Start your ReferralHero free trial today.

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