Top Marketing Strategies to Build Your Small Business into an Empire

November 25, 2023

Brace yourselves for an out-of-this-world marketing experience with ReferralHero. We’re the pioneers of intergalactic advertising, taking your brand to new heights and unknown territories, all for those cosmic referrals. Strap on your spacesuits, it’s going to be an astronomical journey. 

Lots of the strategies you find online for marketing are geared towards larger-scale businesses with big marketing budgets and teams of people. Small businesses need to approach the challenge of marketing from another perspective, with a focus on cost-efficiency and scalability. 

This doesn’t mean you can’t strategize. In fact, many of the most powerful marketing tactics are ones that small businesses can blow out of the water. All you need to do is know where to put your energy. 

Digital Marketing Strategies

Businesses big and small can take up space online to pull in customers. Let’s take a look at a few ways to use this level playing field to your advantage! 

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

95% of online traffic is confined to the first page of search results. If your business somehow slips onto page two, you might as well not have a website. That’s why mastering SEO techniques is vital no matter the size of your business. 

Your SEO doesn't have to be expensive. Some excellent, cost-effective ways to hop to the top of the page include 

  • Keyword Research - What are potential customers searching for?  Tools like Google Keyword Planner and Ubersuggest can help you choose words to incorporate on your website and in your metadata
  • On-Page Optimization - Elements like meta-tags, headings, and specific content can be optimized with keywords and other tricks to ensure a good ranking. These skills can be learned on your own, but it might be worth investing in an SEO professional if you have the budget
  • Mobile Optimization - Your website needs to be just as beautiful and easy to navigate on a phone as it is on a browser, as this is how the majority of people will be surfing the web 

If you’re looking to bring in more business from your local community, there are even more specific things you can try. 

  • Local Keyword Targeting - You can build specific phrases like “best coffee shop in [your city]” or “affordable plumbers in [town]” into your metadata because you know people will be searching for them
  • Local Directory Listings - Lots of places have online directories you can register for. This will not only boost your visibility in searches but also improve your reputation

By taking the time to optimize your website in these ways, you can drive more organic traffic to your website, build brand recognition, and find more customers.  

Content Marketing

A great way to build up trust with potential customers and increase your conversion rate online is through content marketing. This strategy offers something valuable for web browsers to check out on your site, making them that much more likely to stick around, think of you as an authority, and ultimately make a purchase. 

Content can come in many forms including 

  • Blog Posts - Give users a look into your life and operations. This emotional and story-driven connection makes them far more loyal to your brand in the long run 
  • Articles - By teaching your audience something new about your product or industry, you’re able to showcase your expertise and build credibility 
  • Videos - If a picture is worth a thousand words, a high-quality and engaging video can create a lasting impression on potential customers 
  • Infographics - A visually appealing and informative infographic can capture attention and spark interest in your business. It's also super shareable and might make its way onto social media 

One of the best parts of this strategy is how easy it is, even if you’re working without a huge marketing budget. You know your industry and product better than anyone else, and you know what kind of content your target audience is interested in. All that’s left is to get creating! 

However, if you’re still nervous about making your own content, you can encourage user-generated content. By asking customers to share their experiences, reviews, and testimonials, you can build up your library while creating social proof that your brand is worth trusting. 

Social Media Marketing

While social media can be one of the most intimidating forms of marketing for startups and small businesses, it’s also one of the most effective. Research has shown that 89% of customers who follow a company on social media plan to buy from that company. 

However, this power also means that a bad social media presence does far more harm than not having social media at all. Here are some tips to ensure your strategy gets you to the stars. 

  • Choose the Right Platform - Different platforms attract different audiences. Do your research to find out where your target audience hangs out. For example, Gen Z spends time on TikTok, Millennials on Instagram, and Gen X on Facebook
  • Make it Pretty - To get people to stop scrolling and engage with your content, you need to make it visually striking. Use high-quality images and visuals, and keep everything on brand
  • Engage with Your Audience - People want to feel a connection on social media. Take the time to respond to comments, direct messages, and mentions quickly and meaningfully. This shows genuine interest and builds trust 

Ultimately, social media is a cost-effective and fun way to connect with current and future customers. 

Local Marketing Strategies

For many small businesses, your greatest strength is your connection to the local community. Here are a few ways to keep that momentum rolling. 

Google My Business

Imagine you’re looking for a local tire repair shop, and don’t know of any. What’s the first thing you’re going to do? In my experience, it’s to hop on Google and check for tire repair shops near me. 

Right away, Google will offer up a list of tire repair shops, show them to me on a map, tell me when they’re open, and offer a star rating based on user feedback. That’s so much information, and usually, all I need is to start calling and making an appointment. 

These are Google My Business profiles, and they can be an invaluable tool for bringing new customers to your location, whether that be a restaurant or a law firm. Here’s how to make yours as powerful as possible. 

  • Set Up Your Profile - You can make an account and create your business page. Make sure to have up-to-date information about your address, phone number, website, and business hours
  • Making it Stand Out - Customize the text and photos to ensure your profile grabs people's attention. They want to see what they’re getting into, so use high-quality visuals that pop
  • Get Positive Reviews - The more positive reviews your company gets, the more likely you are to get picked out of the crowd. Encourage customers to leave positive reviews, and respond quickly and professionally to any negative ones

This tool is a stellar way to bring organic foot traffic to your business and bring you customers who are actively looking for your services. 

Local Networking

If you’re looking for a strategy that keeps costs super low and builds tons of trust and brand recognition within your community, local networking is key. By connecting with other local businesses and fostering relationships in your area, you can boost sales and visibility with ease. 

  • Join Local Business Organizations and Groups - Check your area for chambers of commerce, industry associations, and networking clubs. Becoming a member gains you access to other like-minded people who might make great customers, or refer their customers to you
  • Participate in Community Events - Showing up at local events allows you to engage with potential customers face-to-face and build up relationships. Consider setting up a booth at a local festival, or hosting a workshop or seminar
  • Collaborate with Other Businesses - By setting up events, partnerships, or even a referral partner plan with other local businesses, you can expand both companies’ reaches and show that you are community-minded team players

Connection with your community is what keeps you at the forefront of people’s minds. This is highly effective, as 86% of consumers are invested in supporting local businesses. With attention, yours could be the one they support.  

The Ultimate Strategy For Both Local and Digital Marketing: Referrals

Many small businesses have small marketing teams and limited resources, so it’s important to find a strategy that 

  • Works Both In-Person and Online
  • Is Cost-Effective 
  • Brings in Stellar Results 

The one marketing technique that checks each one of these boxes is a referral campaign. It leverages positive experiences your current customers have, and encourages them to share with their friends and family. 

Creating a system that’s simple and easy to understand is vital to getting people on board. By working with software like ReferralHero, you can set up systems that span both in-person and online interactions, and help you keep track of every referral as it comes in. 

The big motivation for this strategy is the rewards people get for bringing in new customers. These could be anything including 

  • Discounts 
  • Freebies 
  • Exclusive Events 
  • Merch
  • Cash 

Whatever you choose, make sure it generates excitement and strengthens customer loyalty. 

You can let people know about the program any way you like, from social media posts to pop-ups on your website, to posters and conversations in-store. The more people are invested in your program, the more word spreads about your company. 

The Bottom Line 

Marketing your small business can feel like a monumental task, but if you stay focused and choose strategies that resonate with your target audience, you can build a customer base in no time. 

By finding a combination of in-person and online strategies, or implementing a referral program, you can ensure you reach a wide audience. All that’s left to do is show them how amazing your brand is!

Ready to 10x your software platform, mobile app, or web3 company with our automated growth engine?

In just 14 days, we help you build the same waitlist, contest, or referral program used to launch and scale Airbnb, Uber, PayPal, and 1000s of other businesses. Start your ReferralHero free trial today.

November 25, 2023

Brace yourselves for an out-of-this-world marketing experience with ReferralHero. We’re the pioneers of intergalactic advertising, taking your brand to new heights and unknown territories, all for those cosmic referrals. Strap on your spacesuits, it’s going to be an astronomical journey. 

Lots of the strategies you find online for marketing are geared towards larger-scale businesses with big marketing budgets and teams of people. Small businesses need to approach the challenge of marketing from another perspective, with a focus on cost-efficiency and scalability. 

This doesn’t mean you can’t strategize. In fact, many of the most powerful marketing tactics are ones that small businesses can blow out of the water. All you need to do is know where to put your energy. 

Digital Marketing Strategies

Businesses big and small can take up space online to pull in customers. Let’s take a look at a few ways to use this level playing field to your advantage! 

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

95% of online traffic is confined to the first page of search results. If your business somehow slips onto page two, you might as well not have a website. That’s why mastering SEO techniques is vital no matter the size of your business. 

Your SEO doesn't have to be expensive. Some excellent, cost-effective ways to hop to the top of the page include 

  • Keyword Research - What are potential customers searching for?  Tools like Google Keyword Planner and Ubersuggest can help you choose words to incorporate on your website and in your metadata
  • On-Page Optimization - Elements like meta-tags, headings, and specific content can be optimized with keywords and other tricks to ensure a good ranking. These skills can be learned on your own, but it might be worth investing in an SEO professional if you have the budget
  • Mobile Optimization - Your website needs to be just as beautiful and easy to navigate on a phone as it is on a browser, as this is how the majority of people will be surfing the web 

If you’re looking to bring in more business from your local community, there are even more specific things you can try. 

  • Local Keyword Targeting - You can build specific phrases like “best coffee shop in [your city]” or “affordable plumbers in [town]” into your metadata because you know people will be searching for them
  • Local Directory Listings - Lots of places have online directories you can register for. This will not only boost your visibility in searches but also improve your reputation

By taking the time to optimize your website in these ways, you can drive more organic traffic to your website, build brand recognition, and find more customers.  

Content Marketing

A great way to build up trust with potential customers and increase your conversion rate online is through content marketing. This strategy offers something valuable for web browsers to check out on your site, making them that much more likely to stick around, think of you as an authority, and ultimately make a purchase. 

Content can come in many forms including 

  • Blog Posts - Give users a look into your life and operations. This emotional and story-driven connection makes them far more loyal to your brand in the long run 
  • Articles - By teaching your audience something new about your product or industry, you’re able to showcase your expertise and build credibility 
  • Videos - If a picture is worth a thousand words, a high-quality and engaging video can create a lasting impression on potential customers 
  • Infographics - A visually appealing and informative infographic can capture attention and spark interest in your business. It's also super shareable and might make its way onto social media 

One of the best parts of this strategy is how easy it is, even if you’re working without a huge marketing budget. You know your industry and product better than anyone else, and you know what kind of content your target audience is interested in. All that’s left is to get creating! 

However, if you’re still nervous about making your own content, you can encourage user-generated content. By asking customers to share their experiences, reviews, and testimonials, you can build up your library while creating social proof that your brand is worth trusting. 

Social Media Marketing

While social media can be one of the most intimidating forms of marketing for startups and small businesses, it’s also one of the most effective. Research has shown that 89% of customers who follow a company on social media plan to buy from that company. 

However, this power also means that a bad social media presence does far more harm than not having social media at all. Here are some tips to ensure your strategy gets you to the stars. 

  • Choose the Right Platform - Different platforms attract different audiences. Do your research to find out where your target audience hangs out. For example, Gen Z spends time on TikTok, Millennials on Instagram, and Gen X on Facebook
  • Make it Pretty - To get people to stop scrolling and engage with your content, you need to make it visually striking. Use high-quality images and visuals, and keep everything on brand
  • Engage with Your Audience - People want to feel a connection on social media. Take the time to respond to comments, direct messages, and mentions quickly and meaningfully. This shows genuine interest and builds trust 

Ultimately, social media is a cost-effective and fun way to connect with current and future customers. 

Local Marketing Strategies

For many small businesses, your greatest strength is your connection to the local community. Here are a few ways to keep that momentum rolling. 

Google My Business

Imagine you’re looking for a local tire repair shop, and don’t know of any. What’s the first thing you’re going to do? In my experience, it’s to hop on Google and check for tire repair shops near me. 

Right away, Google will offer up a list of tire repair shops, show them to me on a map, tell me when they’re open, and offer a star rating based on user feedback. That’s so much information, and usually, all I need is to start calling and making an appointment. 

These are Google My Business profiles, and they can be an invaluable tool for bringing new customers to your location, whether that be a restaurant or a law firm. Here’s how to make yours as powerful as possible. 

  • Set Up Your Profile - You can make an account and create your business page. Make sure to have up-to-date information about your address, phone number, website, and business hours
  • Making it Stand Out - Customize the text and photos to ensure your profile grabs people's attention. They want to see what they’re getting into, so use high-quality visuals that pop
  • Get Positive Reviews - The more positive reviews your company gets, the more likely you are to get picked out of the crowd. Encourage customers to leave positive reviews, and respond quickly and professionally to any negative ones

This tool is a stellar way to bring organic foot traffic to your business and bring you customers who are actively looking for your services. 

Local Networking

If you’re looking for a strategy that keeps costs super low and builds tons of trust and brand recognition within your community, local networking is key. By connecting with other local businesses and fostering relationships in your area, you can boost sales and visibility with ease. 

  • Join Local Business Organizations and Groups - Check your area for chambers of commerce, industry associations, and networking clubs. Becoming a member gains you access to other like-minded people who might make great customers, or refer their customers to you
  • Participate in Community Events - Showing up at local events allows you to engage with potential customers face-to-face and build up relationships. Consider setting up a booth at a local festival, or hosting a workshop or seminar
  • Collaborate with Other Businesses - By setting up events, partnerships, or even a referral partner plan with other local businesses, you can expand both companies’ reaches and show that you are community-minded team players

Connection with your community is what keeps you at the forefront of people’s minds. This is highly effective, as 86% of consumers are invested in supporting local businesses. With attention, yours could be the one they support.  

The Ultimate Strategy For Both Local and Digital Marketing: Referrals

Many small businesses have small marketing teams and limited resources, so it’s important to find a strategy that 

  • Works Both In-Person and Online
  • Is Cost-Effective 
  • Brings in Stellar Results 

The one marketing technique that checks each one of these boxes is a referral campaign. It leverages positive experiences your current customers have, and encourages them to share with their friends and family. 

Creating a system that’s simple and easy to understand is vital to getting people on board. By working with software like ReferralHero, you can set up systems that span both in-person and online interactions, and help you keep track of every referral as it comes in. 

The big motivation for this strategy is the rewards people get for bringing in new customers. These could be anything including 

  • Discounts 
  • Freebies 
  • Exclusive Events 
  • Merch
  • Cash 

Whatever you choose, make sure it generates excitement and strengthens customer loyalty. 

You can let people know about the program any way you like, from social media posts to pop-ups on your website, to posters and conversations in-store. The more people are invested in your program, the more word spreads about your company. 

The Bottom Line 

Marketing your small business can feel like a monumental task, but if you stay focused and choose strategies that resonate with your target audience, you can build a customer base in no time. 

By finding a combination of in-person and online strategies, or implementing a referral program, you can ensure you reach a wide audience. All that’s left to do is show them how amazing your brand is!

Ready to 10x your software platform, mobile app, or web3 company with our automated growth engine?

In just 14 days, we help you build the same waitlist, contest, or referral program used to launch and scale Airbnb, Uber, PayPal, and 1000s of other businesses. Start your ReferralHero free trial today.

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