Mastering The Art Of App User Acquisition

August 31, 2023

Meet ReferralHero, the Michelin-star chef of the marketing world, plating up delectable referrals course after course. So, pull up a chair, grab a glass of wine, and dive into the world of reward-driven marketing.

What's one of the first things they ask on Shark Tank?

"What is your customer acquisition cost?"

This question is critical because it points to the financial reality of your business: acquiring new users for your application can be expensive. If you're not careful and strategic, this cost can quickly become overwhelming and detrimental to your bottom line.

Regardless of whether your application is available for iOS, Android, or both, several key strategies can help you master the art of app user acquisition.

Common User Acquisition Channels

There are a handful of different channels for user acquisition. While one company may sink resources and time into paid advertising, another may rely on organic traffic and word-of-mouth. Understanding all available channels is essential to make the most informed decision. 

Here are a few common ones:

Paid Media

This is a popular method for user acquisition and includes advertising platforms like Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and Instagram Ads. 

With paid media, you pay to place your advertisements where your potential users are most likely to see them, like search engine results or social media feeds. The cost will vary depending on how broad or specific your target audience is.

Owned media

Owned media refers to the channels that you control. This includes your website and blog, email newsletters, social media pages, and any other content you operate.

With owned media, you can nurture a direct relationship with your potential users without relying on third-party platforms. This method requires resources to create and maintain engaging content that attracts and retains potential users.


Influencer marketing has grown in popularity due to its effectiveness in reaching target audiences. One-third of all Gen Z consumers have bought a product based on an influencer's recommendation in the past three months. 

This involves partnering with relevant influencers in your industry who have established a significant following on social media or other platforms. These influencers promote your app to their audience, allowing you to reach new potential users who trust and value the influencer's opinions. 

The cost for this can vary greatly, depending on the reach and influence of the chosen individual.


Search engine optimization (SEO) is a technique used to increase the visibility of your app or website on search engine results pages, thereby driving organic traffic.

Success in SEO is based on relevant keywords or phrases your potential users are searching for. Incorporate these into your app description, landing page content, and other promotional materials. 

While it may not involve a direct monetary investment like paid media, mastering SEO requires understanding search algorithms and consistent efforts in optimizing content.

Partnerships And Affiliations

This involves collaborating with other brands or businesses whose products or services complement yours. They can promote your app to their user base and vice versa. Effective partnerships can grow a user base and increase user loyalty.

It's worth mentioning that these methods aren't mutually exclusive, and an optimal user acquisition strategy often involves a balanced mix of these channels based on your app's specific goals and budget.

5 Low-Cost App User Acquisition Strategies

Many startups and smaller companies lack the substantial budgets larger organizations typically allocate for paid advertising. 

Don’t fret! Even operating on a shoestring budget, you can acquire users effectively. 

Here are five low-cost app user acquisition strategies:

1. Content Marketing

Creating and distributing valuable, relevant content can greatly boost app user acquisition. This could be blog posts, social media content, newsletters, white papers —essentially anything that offers value to potential users and promotes your app indirectly. 

The key here is to create content that genuinely interests and engages your target audience, encouraging them to learn more about your app. You know your product better than anyone. Use that knowledge to generate unique, innovative content. 

2. App Store Optimization (ASO)

Similar to SEO, ASO involves optimizing your app’s name, keywords, description, screenshots, and other elements to improve its visibility within the app store. 

The higher your app ranks in search results, the more likely users are to download it. Though it requires a time investment, the traffic ASO creates is typically high quality and high intent—these users are already searching for an app like yours.

3. Social Media

Social media platforms can be a low-cost yet effective way to acquire new users. Regularly posting engaging, interactive content, responding to comments, and joining relevant conversations are all ways to increase your app’s visibility and attract potential users.

4. Community Building

Building a community around your app can increase user loyalty and foster word-of-mouth marketing, one of the most effective forms of promotion. 

You can do this through various platforms your target users frequent, like forums, Discord channels, or even your app's social media pages. Engage with your users, ask for feedback, and make them feel a part of your app's journey.

5. User-Generated Content (UGC)

Encouraging your users to create content related to your app and share it on their personal social media profiles can profoundly impact user acquisition. 

UGC acts like a personal recommendation from users to their friends and followers; it boosts credibility and extends your app's audience reach. It can also significantly reduce your content creation burden and provide fresh perspectives about your app. 

Remember, these strategies don't provide a quick fix. They require time and effort to implement. However, with consistent execution, these methods can greatly improve your user acquisition rate without a hefty price tag.

Key Metrics To Measure User Acquisition

So how do you know if these strategies are working? By tracking and analyzing key metrics, you can gain insights into how effective your user acquisition strategies are.

Here are some critical metrics you should keep an eye on:

  • Cost Per Acquisition (CPA): This measures how much it costs to acquire a new user. It is calculated by dividing the total cost spent on user acquisition by the number of new users during a specific period. Keeping this metric low yet effective is key to a successful acquisition strategy.
  • Daily/Monthly Active Users (DAU/MAU): These metrics provide insight into how many unique users use your app. An increase shows an effective acquisition strategy.
  • Retention Rate: This measures how many users continue to use your app after a certain period. A high retention rate indicates that your app is engaging and provides value to users.
  • User Lifetime Value (LTV): LTV is the revenue you can expect from a user over their lifetime of using your app. It's an important metric, as it directly relates to how much you should reasonably spend on acquiring each user.
  • Churn Rate: This calculates the number of users who stop using your app within a given time period. A high churn rate could indicate issues with your app that need to be addressed.

By monitoring these key metrics, you can continuously assess and adjust your user acquisition strategies to optimize their effectiveness.

App User Acquisition Mistakes To Avoid

Just as there are effective strategies for user acquisition, there are also mistakes you should avoid to ensure your efforts aren't wasted. Here are a few common pitfalls.

  • Ignoring User Feedback: Feedback is incredibly valuable for understanding user experience and identifying areas of improvement. Ignoring it could decrease user satisfaction, eventually resulting in higher churn rates.
  • Not Setting Clear Goals: Without clear, measurable goals, it's difficult to gauge the success of your user acquisition efforts. It's crucial to define what success looks like for you—be it a certain number of users, a specific retention rate, or a targeted CPA.
  • Lack of A/B testing: It's important to test different acquisition strategies and alterations to your app to see what yields better results. Not utilizing A/B testing or split testing can lead to inefficient strategies going unnoticed.
  • Not Measuring the Right Metrics: Irrelevant or improperly tracked metrics can wrongly inform your acquisition strategy. It's crucial to identify and measure metrics aligned with your business goals.
  • Underestimating Word-of-Mouth: Users who enjoy your app will likely recommend it to others. Celebrate and lean into referrals, as they can take your user acquisition efforts to an entirely new level. 

You’re setting your app up for successful user acquisitions by avoiding these mistakes. Remember, patience and constant optimization are your friends in this journey.

Final Thoughts

App user acquisition is a multi-faceted, ongoing endeavor that requires strategic planning, precise execution, and persistent monitoring and optimization. You can maximize your user growth without breaking the bank by leveraging cost-effective strategies like content marketing, social media, and community building. 

Always remember to focus on providing value to your users—a quality app coupled with a great user experience is the most potent user acquisition tool.

Ready to 10x your software platform, mobile app, or web3 company with our automated growth engine?

In just 14 days, we help you build the same waitlist, contest, or referral program used to launch and scale Airbnb, Uber, PayPal, and 1000s of other businesses. Start your ReferralHero free trial today.

Ready to 10x your referrals with our automated referral growth engine?

In just 14 days, we help you build the same waitlist, contest, affiliate, or referral program used to launch and scale Airbnb, Uber, PayPal, and 1000s of other businesses. Start your ReferralHero free trial today.

August 31, 2023

Meet ReferralHero, the Michelin-star chef of the marketing world, plating up delectable referrals course after course. So, pull up a chair, grab a glass of wine, and dive into the world of reward-driven marketing.

What's one of the first things they ask on Shark Tank?

"What is your customer acquisition cost?"

This question is critical because it points to the financial reality of your business: acquiring new users for your application can be expensive. If you're not careful and strategic, this cost can quickly become overwhelming and detrimental to your bottom line.

Regardless of whether your application is available for iOS, Android, or both, several key strategies can help you master the art of app user acquisition.

Common User Acquisition Channels

There are a handful of different channels for user acquisition. While one company may sink resources and time into paid advertising, another may rely on organic traffic and word-of-mouth. Understanding all available channels is essential to make the most informed decision. 

Here are a few common ones:

Paid Media

This is a popular method for user acquisition and includes advertising platforms like Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and Instagram Ads. 

With paid media, you pay to place your advertisements where your potential users are most likely to see them, like search engine results or social media feeds. The cost will vary depending on how broad or specific your target audience is.

Owned media

Owned media refers to the channels that you control. This includes your website and blog, email newsletters, social media pages, and any other content you operate.

With owned media, you can nurture a direct relationship with your potential users without relying on third-party platforms. This method requires resources to create and maintain engaging content that attracts and retains potential users.


Influencer marketing has grown in popularity due to its effectiveness in reaching target audiences. One-third of all Gen Z consumers have bought a product based on an influencer's recommendation in the past three months. 

This involves partnering with relevant influencers in your industry who have established a significant following on social media or other platforms. These influencers promote your app to their audience, allowing you to reach new potential users who trust and value the influencer's opinions. 

The cost for this can vary greatly, depending on the reach and influence of the chosen individual.


Search engine optimization (SEO) is a technique used to increase the visibility of your app or website on search engine results pages, thereby driving organic traffic.

Success in SEO is based on relevant keywords or phrases your potential users are searching for. Incorporate these into your app description, landing page content, and other promotional materials. 

While it may not involve a direct monetary investment like paid media, mastering SEO requires understanding search algorithms and consistent efforts in optimizing content.

Partnerships And Affiliations

This involves collaborating with other brands or businesses whose products or services complement yours. They can promote your app to their user base and vice versa. Effective partnerships can grow a user base and increase user loyalty.

It's worth mentioning that these methods aren't mutually exclusive, and an optimal user acquisition strategy often involves a balanced mix of these channels based on your app's specific goals and budget.

5 Low-Cost App User Acquisition Strategies

Many startups and smaller companies lack the substantial budgets larger organizations typically allocate for paid advertising. 

Don’t fret! Even operating on a shoestring budget, you can acquire users effectively. 

Here are five low-cost app user acquisition strategies:

1. Content Marketing

Creating and distributing valuable, relevant content can greatly boost app user acquisition. This could be blog posts, social media content, newsletters, white papers —essentially anything that offers value to potential users and promotes your app indirectly. 

The key here is to create content that genuinely interests and engages your target audience, encouraging them to learn more about your app. You know your product better than anyone. Use that knowledge to generate unique, innovative content. 

2. App Store Optimization (ASO)

Similar to SEO, ASO involves optimizing your app’s name, keywords, description, screenshots, and other elements to improve its visibility within the app store. 

The higher your app ranks in search results, the more likely users are to download it. Though it requires a time investment, the traffic ASO creates is typically high quality and high intent—these users are already searching for an app like yours.

3. Social Media

Social media platforms can be a low-cost yet effective way to acquire new users. Regularly posting engaging, interactive content, responding to comments, and joining relevant conversations are all ways to increase your app’s visibility and attract potential users.

4. Community Building

Building a community around your app can increase user loyalty and foster word-of-mouth marketing, one of the most effective forms of promotion. 

You can do this through various platforms your target users frequent, like forums, Discord channels, or even your app's social media pages. Engage with your users, ask for feedback, and make them feel a part of your app's journey.

5. User-Generated Content (UGC)

Encouraging your users to create content related to your app and share it on their personal social media profiles can profoundly impact user acquisition. 

UGC acts like a personal recommendation from users to their friends and followers; it boosts credibility and extends your app's audience reach. It can also significantly reduce your content creation burden and provide fresh perspectives about your app. 

Remember, these strategies don't provide a quick fix. They require time and effort to implement. However, with consistent execution, these methods can greatly improve your user acquisition rate without a hefty price tag.

Key Metrics To Measure User Acquisition

So how do you know if these strategies are working? By tracking and analyzing key metrics, you can gain insights into how effective your user acquisition strategies are.

Here are some critical metrics you should keep an eye on:

  • Cost Per Acquisition (CPA): This measures how much it costs to acquire a new user. It is calculated by dividing the total cost spent on user acquisition by the number of new users during a specific period. Keeping this metric low yet effective is key to a successful acquisition strategy.
  • Daily/Monthly Active Users (DAU/MAU): These metrics provide insight into how many unique users use your app. An increase shows an effective acquisition strategy.
  • Retention Rate: This measures how many users continue to use your app after a certain period. A high retention rate indicates that your app is engaging and provides value to users.
  • User Lifetime Value (LTV): LTV is the revenue you can expect from a user over their lifetime of using your app. It's an important metric, as it directly relates to how much you should reasonably spend on acquiring each user.
  • Churn Rate: This calculates the number of users who stop using your app within a given time period. A high churn rate could indicate issues with your app that need to be addressed.

By monitoring these key metrics, you can continuously assess and adjust your user acquisition strategies to optimize their effectiveness.

App User Acquisition Mistakes To Avoid

Just as there are effective strategies for user acquisition, there are also mistakes you should avoid to ensure your efforts aren't wasted. Here are a few common pitfalls.

  • Ignoring User Feedback: Feedback is incredibly valuable for understanding user experience and identifying areas of improvement. Ignoring it could decrease user satisfaction, eventually resulting in higher churn rates.
  • Not Setting Clear Goals: Without clear, measurable goals, it's difficult to gauge the success of your user acquisition efforts. It's crucial to define what success looks like for you—be it a certain number of users, a specific retention rate, or a targeted CPA.
  • Lack of A/B testing: It's important to test different acquisition strategies and alterations to your app to see what yields better results. Not utilizing A/B testing or split testing can lead to inefficient strategies going unnoticed.
  • Not Measuring the Right Metrics: Irrelevant or improperly tracked metrics can wrongly inform your acquisition strategy. It's crucial to identify and measure metrics aligned with your business goals.
  • Underestimating Word-of-Mouth: Users who enjoy your app will likely recommend it to others. Celebrate and lean into referrals, as they can take your user acquisition efforts to an entirely new level. 

You’re setting your app up for successful user acquisitions by avoiding these mistakes. Remember, patience and constant optimization are your friends in this journey.

Final Thoughts

App user acquisition is a multi-faceted, ongoing endeavor that requires strategic planning, precise execution, and persistent monitoring and optimization. You can maximize your user growth without breaking the bank by leveraging cost-effective strategies like content marketing, social media, and community building. 

Always remember to focus on providing value to your users—a quality app coupled with a great user experience is the most potent user acquisition tool.

Ready to 10x your software platform, mobile app, or web3 company with our automated growth engine?

In just 14 days, we help you build the same waitlist, contest, or referral program used to launch and scale Airbnb, Uber, PayPal, and 1000s of other businesses. Start your ReferralHero free trial today.

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