How a Medical Practice Boosted Referrals by 10+ Per Month with This Simple Strategy [Bernard Cannabis Center Case Study]

August 29, 2024

This is ReferralHero. The friend who’s guiding you through the “green” fields of opportunity, with a map in hand and a passion for natural wellness.

In this case study, we explore how Bernard Cannabis Center’s referral program leveraged their existing customers to boost awareness of cannabis benefits and attract a steady stream of new patients. Learn how you can harness the power of word-of-mouth to grow your own thriving customer base through a successful referral program.

Let's dive in...

Referral Program Overview

Bernard Cannabis Center, a trusted provider of holistic treatment options, is excited to unveil their new referral program aimed at connecting patients with natural cannabis solutions. As a leader in the medical cannabis community, Bernard Cannabis Center is dedicated to educating qualifying patients on the numerous health benefits of cannabis while providing compassionate care and alternative treatment options.

To enhance patient engagement and expand their reach, Bernard Cannabis Center has strategically implemented a referral program that empowers existing patients to share their positive experiences with friends and family. This program not only promotes the advantages of medical cannabis but also fosters a supportive community where patients can explore holistic healing together. By incentivizing referrals and rewarding those who help spread the word, Bernard Cannabis Center is committed to cultivating an environment where natural medicine is accessible to all who seek it.

Referral Program Rewards

To maximize the impact of their referral program, Bernard Cannabis Center has established a comprehensive rewards system that benefits both referrers and new patients, reinforcing the community spirit they aim to cultivate.

  1. For Referrers: Each time an existing patient successfully refers a new patient, they earn 10 points, which equates to a $10 credit for their next visit. This reward serves as an appreciation for their role in promoting the benefits of medical cannabis and encouraging others to seek alternative treatment options.
  1. For Referrals: New patients who are referred to the center will receive a $10 discount off their balance due at their appointment visit. This incentive not only welcomes them into the Bernard Cannabis Center community but also provides an accessible entry point for those exploring natural healing solutions.
  1. Monthly Bonus: To motivate ongoing participation, Bernard Cannabis Center introduces a monthly referral challenge. Referrers who successfully bring in three or more new patients within a single month will earn an additional $50 visit credit toward their next appointment. This initiative not only rewards individual efforts but also strengthens the community by encouraging patients to share their positive experiences with a wider audience.

Referral Program Participant Flow

The referral program at Bernard Cannabis Center is designed to create an intuitive and engaging experience for participants, allowing existing patients to effortlessly share their experiences while welcoming new patients into the community. Here’s how the process unfolds.

Step 1: Advocate Signup

Current patients can easily join the referral program by completing a straightforward signup form available on the Bernard Cannabis Center website.

Step 2: Access Share Screen

Upon signing up, the advocate is presented with a user-friendly share widget. The widget prominently displays their unique referral link, along with a button to copy the link. It also offers social sharing options, including Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and email, as well as a section that showcases the rewards users can earn by referring their friends.

Step 3: Share Referral Link

As an example, advocates can share a pre-populated message on Twitter with their referral link. The provided message serves as a starting point for advocates to personalize and share with their networks, encouraging them to join the platform.

Step 4: Referral Sign Up

When an advocate's friend clicks on the referral link shared by the advocate, they are directed to the landing page dedicated to referrals. Upon submitting the signup form, new patients are automatically added to the referral program as an Unconfirmed referral, unlocking the $10 signup bonus and creating a seamless connection between advocates and referrals.

Step 5: Referral Books Appointment

New patients are then directed to schedule an appointment and start exploring the natural treatment options available at Bernard Cannabis Center.

Step 6: Referral Attends Appointment

The new patient attends their appointment in person and shows the staff the $10 coupon for participating in the referral program. Once the new patient completes their visit, their referral status is updated to Confirmed by the Bernard team in the ReferralHero backend. This unlocks the $10 reward to the advocate for generating a successful referral!

Referral Program Launch

On January 18, 2023, Bernard Cannabis Center proudly introduced its new referral program across Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. 

  1. The Twitter campaign launched with a concise, compelling message that invited followers to join the referral program by providing a direct link to the advocate signup landing page. The tweet highlighted the rewards available for both referrers and new patients, accompanied by an eye-catching graphic to grab attention.
  1. The Facebook launch post offered a more detailed look at the referral program, starting with a breakdown of the rewards participants could earn. It then walked followers through the simple steps to join the program. Engaging visuals and a direct link to the signup page made it easy for users to participate directly from the post.

Through this coordinated social media effort, Bernard Cannabis Center effectively introduced their referral program, engaging both existing and potential patients while emphasizing the benefits of participation.

Referral Program Ongoing Promotion

To maintain engagement and ensure the continued success of their referral program, Bernard Cannabis Center has implemented a robust ongoing promotion strategy. 

"Getting the word out" is the most important aspect of running a successful referral campaign.

- Johnny Bernard, Jr., MD, Owner @ Bernard Cannabis Center

Website CTAs

Bernard Cannabis Center has strategically integrated the referral program into key areas of their website, making it easy for users to participate. The "Referral Program" is prominently displayed in the top navigation menu, ensuring that every visitor is aware of the opportunity to join and benefit from the program. 

Additionally, a call-to-action (CTA) is placed in the website footer, reinforcing the program’s presence and encouraging users to engage with it, no matter where they are on the site.

Office Signage

Inside the office, Bernard Cannabis Center has placed signs promoting the referral program in high-traffic areas. These signs serve as constant reminders for patients to join the program, highlighting the benefits of participating. The visible presence of these signs ensures that all visitors are informed about the referral program and its rewards.

In-Person Encouragement

Staff members at Bernard Cannabis Center actively encourage patients to join the referral program during their visits. By discussing the program's benefits and answering any questions, they create a personalized experience that fosters interest and participation. This face-to-face engagement is a key component in building trust and encouraging patients to become active participants in the program.

Follow-Up Emails

Following each appointment, Bernard Cannabis Center sends follow-up emails to patients, thanking them for their visit and reminding them about the referral program. These emails include a direct link to sign up for the program, making it easy for patients to join. By incorporating this into their follow-up communication, Bernard Cannabis Center ensures that the referral program remains top of mind, even after patients have left the office.

Social Media Engagement 

Bernard Cannabis Center understands the power of social media in keeping their referral program vibrant and engaging. By leveraging different platforms with unified messaging, they create a continuous buzz around the program, ensuring it reaches both current patients and potential new members.

Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram posts are crafted to engage users with a consistent message and a direct link to the referral program. By encouraging followers to share, Bernard Cannabis Center not only amplifies the program's reach but also strengthens its sense of community.

Through this unified approach across social media platforms, Bernard Cannabis Center effectively maintains the momentum of their referral program, ensuring it remains an integral part of their patient engagement strategy.

Referral Program Results

Since its launch on January 18, 2023, Bernard Cannabis Center’s referral program has demonstrated consistent growth and success. The program has steadily added subscribers month over month, reflecting its effectiveness in engaging both current and new patients.

"We're happy with the outcome of our referral program; it seems to be adding to our word-of-mouth advertising."

- Johnny Bernard, Jr., MD, Owner @ Bernard Cannabis Center

As of now, the program boasts a total of 271 subscribers, with 92 referrals recorded. The referral rate stands at an impressive 32.5%, showcasing the strong participation and enthusiasm among users. Additionally, the program has experienced a substantial referral growth of 51.4%, highlighting its increasing impact and reach within the community.

These results underscore the success of Bernard Cannabis Center's referral program in expanding its subscriber base and driving meaningful engagement through effective referral strategies.

Results after three months on Apr 18, 2023

  • Number of subscribers: 51
  • Number of referrals: 9
  • Referral rate: 17.6% (9 subscribers have referred more than 1 person/total 51 subscribers)
  • Referral growth: 21.4% (9 referred subscribers/(51-9)organic subscribers)

Results at the end of 2023

  • Number of subscribers: 142 
  • Number of referrals: 42
  • Referral rate: 27.5% (39 subscribers have referred more than 1 person) 
  • Referral growth: 42% (42 referred subscribers/(142-42)organic subscribers)

All time results as of Aug 14, 2024

  • Number of subscribers: 271
  • Number of referrals: 92
  • Referral rate: 32.5%  
  • Referral growth: 51.4% 

In conclusion, Bernard Cannabis Center’s referral program has proven to be a highly effective tool in expanding its reach and fostering a supportive community around natural wellness. The consistent month-over-month growth in subscribers, impressive referral rates, and substantial referral growth demonstrate the program’s success in engaging patients and promoting the benefits of medical cannabis. By leveraging a unified messaging strategy and maintaining a strong presence across social media platforms, Bernard Cannabis Center has created a thriving referral network that continues to enhance patient engagement and contribute to the center’s mission of providing compassionate, holistic care.

Ready to 10x your referrals with our automated referral growth engine?

In just 14 days, we help you build the same waitlist, contest, affiliate, or referral program used to launch and scale Airbnb, Uber, PayPal, and 1000s of other businesses. Start your ReferralHero free trial today.

August 29, 2024

This is ReferralHero. The friend who’s guiding you through the “green” fields of opportunity, with a map in hand and a passion for natural wellness.

In this case study, we explore how Bernard Cannabis Center’s referral program leveraged their existing customers to boost awareness of cannabis benefits and attract a steady stream of new patients. Learn how you can harness the power of word-of-mouth to grow your own thriving customer base through a successful referral program.

Let's dive in...

Referral Program Overview

Bernard Cannabis Center, a trusted provider of holistic treatment options, is excited to unveil their new referral program aimed at connecting patients with natural cannabis solutions. As a leader in the medical cannabis community, Bernard Cannabis Center is dedicated to educating qualifying patients on the numerous health benefits of cannabis while providing compassionate care and alternative treatment options.

To enhance patient engagement and expand their reach, Bernard Cannabis Center has strategically implemented a referral program that empowers existing patients to share their positive experiences with friends and family. This program not only promotes the advantages of medical cannabis but also fosters a supportive community where patients can explore holistic healing together. By incentivizing referrals and rewarding those who help spread the word, Bernard Cannabis Center is committed to cultivating an environment where natural medicine is accessible to all who seek it.

Referral Program Rewards

To maximize the impact of their referral program, Bernard Cannabis Center has established a comprehensive rewards system that benefits both referrers and new patients, reinforcing the community spirit they aim to cultivate.

  1. For Referrers: Each time an existing patient successfully refers a new patient, they earn 10 points, which equates to a $10 credit for their next visit. This reward serves as an appreciation for their role in promoting the benefits of medical cannabis and encouraging others to seek alternative treatment options.
  1. For Referrals: New patients who are referred to the center will receive a $10 discount off their balance due at their appointment visit. This incentive not only welcomes them into the Bernard Cannabis Center community but also provides an accessible entry point for those exploring natural healing solutions.
  1. Monthly Bonus: To motivate ongoing participation, Bernard Cannabis Center introduces a monthly referral challenge. Referrers who successfully bring in three or more new patients within a single month will earn an additional $50 visit credit toward their next appointment. This initiative not only rewards individual efforts but also strengthens the community by encouraging patients to share their positive experiences with a wider audience.

Referral Program Participant Flow

The referral program at Bernard Cannabis Center is designed to create an intuitive and engaging experience for participants, allowing existing patients to effortlessly share their experiences while welcoming new patients into the community. Here’s how the process unfolds.

Step 1: Advocate Signup

Current patients can easily join the referral program by completing a straightforward signup form available on the Bernard Cannabis Center website.

Step 2: Access Share Screen

Upon signing up, the advocate is presented with a user-friendly share widget. The widget prominently displays their unique referral link, along with a button to copy the link. It also offers social sharing options, including Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and email, as well as a section that showcases the rewards users can earn by referring their friends.

Step 3: Share Referral Link

As an example, advocates can share a pre-populated message on Twitter with their referral link. The provided message serves as a starting point for advocates to personalize and share with their networks, encouraging them to join the platform.

Step 4: Referral Sign Up

When an advocate's friend clicks on the referral link shared by the advocate, they are directed to the landing page dedicated to referrals. Upon submitting the signup form, new patients are automatically added to the referral program as an Unconfirmed referral, unlocking the $10 signup bonus and creating a seamless connection between advocates and referrals.

Step 5: Referral Books Appointment

New patients are then directed to schedule an appointment and start exploring the natural treatment options available at Bernard Cannabis Center.

Step 6: Referral Attends Appointment

The new patient attends their appointment in person and shows the staff the $10 coupon for participating in the referral program. Once the new patient completes their visit, their referral status is updated to Confirmed by the Bernard team in the ReferralHero backend. This unlocks the $10 reward to the advocate for generating a successful referral!

Referral Program Launch

On January 18, 2023, Bernard Cannabis Center proudly introduced its new referral program across Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. 

  1. The Twitter campaign launched with a concise, compelling message that invited followers to join the referral program by providing a direct link to the advocate signup landing page. The tweet highlighted the rewards available for both referrers and new patients, accompanied by an eye-catching graphic to grab attention.
  1. The Facebook launch post offered a more detailed look at the referral program, starting with a breakdown of the rewards participants could earn. It then walked followers through the simple steps to join the program. Engaging visuals and a direct link to the signup page made it easy for users to participate directly from the post.

Through this coordinated social media effort, Bernard Cannabis Center effectively introduced their referral program, engaging both existing and potential patients while emphasizing the benefits of participation.

Referral Program Ongoing Promotion

To maintain engagement and ensure the continued success of their referral program, Bernard Cannabis Center has implemented a robust ongoing promotion strategy. 

"Getting the word out" is the most important aspect of running a successful referral campaign.

- Johnny Bernard, Jr., MD, Owner @ Bernard Cannabis Center

Website CTAs

Bernard Cannabis Center has strategically integrated the referral program into key areas of their website, making it easy for users to participate. The "Referral Program" is prominently displayed in the top navigation menu, ensuring that every visitor is aware of the opportunity to join and benefit from the program. 

Additionally, a call-to-action (CTA) is placed in the website footer, reinforcing the program’s presence and encouraging users to engage with it, no matter where they are on the site.

Office Signage

Inside the office, Bernard Cannabis Center has placed signs promoting the referral program in high-traffic areas. These signs serve as constant reminders for patients to join the program, highlighting the benefits of participating. The visible presence of these signs ensures that all visitors are informed about the referral program and its rewards.

In-Person Encouragement

Staff members at Bernard Cannabis Center actively encourage patients to join the referral program during their visits. By discussing the program's benefits and answering any questions, they create a personalized experience that fosters interest and participation. This face-to-face engagement is a key component in building trust and encouraging patients to become active participants in the program.

Follow-Up Emails

Following each appointment, Bernard Cannabis Center sends follow-up emails to patients, thanking them for their visit and reminding them about the referral program. These emails include a direct link to sign up for the program, making it easy for patients to join. By incorporating this into their follow-up communication, Bernard Cannabis Center ensures that the referral program remains top of mind, even after patients have left the office.

Social Media Engagement 

Bernard Cannabis Center understands the power of social media in keeping their referral program vibrant and engaging. By leveraging different platforms with unified messaging, they create a continuous buzz around the program, ensuring it reaches both current patients and potential new members.

Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram posts are crafted to engage users with a consistent message and a direct link to the referral program. By encouraging followers to share, Bernard Cannabis Center not only amplifies the program's reach but also strengthens its sense of community.

Through this unified approach across social media platforms, Bernard Cannabis Center effectively maintains the momentum of their referral program, ensuring it remains an integral part of their patient engagement strategy.

Referral Program Results

Since its launch on January 18, 2023, Bernard Cannabis Center’s referral program has demonstrated consistent growth and success. The program has steadily added subscribers month over month, reflecting its effectiveness in engaging both current and new patients.

"We're happy with the outcome of our referral program; it seems to be adding to our word-of-mouth advertising."

- Johnny Bernard, Jr., MD, Owner @ Bernard Cannabis Center

As of now, the program boasts a total of 271 subscribers, with 92 referrals recorded. The referral rate stands at an impressive 32.5%, showcasing the strong participation and enthusiasm among users. Additionally, the program has experienced a substantial referral growth of 51.4%, highlighting its increasing impact and reach within the community.

These results underscore the success of Bernard Cannabis Center's referral program in expanding its subscriber base and driving meaningful engagement through effective referral strategies.

Results after three months on Apr 18, 2023

  • Number of subscribers: 51
  • Number of referrals: 9
  • Referral rate: 17.6% (9 subscribers have referred more than 1 person/total 51 subscribers)
  • Referral growth: 21.4% (9 referred subscribers/(51-9)organic subscribers)

Results at the end of 2023

  • Number of subscribers: 142 
  • Number of referrals: 42
  • Referral rate: 27.5% (39 subscribers have referred more than 1 person) 
  • Referral growth: 42% (42 referred subscribers/(142-42)organic subscribers)

All time results as of Aug 14, 2024

  • Number of subscribers: 271
  • Number of referrals: 92
  • Referral rate: 32.5%  
  • Referral growth: 51.4% 

In conclusion, Bernard Cannabis Center’s referral program has proven to be a highly effective tool in expanding its reach and fostering a supportive community around natural wellness. The consistent month-over-month growth in subscribers, impressive referral rates, and substantial referral growth demonstrate the program’s success in engaging patients and promoting the benefits of medical cannabis. By leveraging a unified messaging strategy and maintaining a strong presence across social media platforms, Bernard Cannabis Center has created a thriving referral network that continues to enhance patient engagement and contribute to the center’s mission of providing compassionate, holistic care.

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