How To Ask for a Review: Tips, Tricks, and Templates

December 10, 2023

Welcome to ReferralHero, the candy shop of growth strategies where every referral tip is a sweet treat for your business, and cavities are not included.

You know the moment when the Uber driver asks for a 5-star rating just as you're stepping out of the car? It doesn't need to be that awkward. Reviews are a crucial part of a business’s reputation and online presence. 

They help build credibility, increase visibility, and can ultimately impact consumer decisions. But how do you ask for a review in a way that's effective and not pushy?

Here are some tips, tricks, and templates to ask for a review politely and increase your chances of getting a positive response.

Why Are Reviews Important?

In the digital age, reviews have become the word-of-mouth referrals of the online world. They are essential for any business aiming to maintain a trustworthy and influential online presence.

  • Trust and Credibility: A staggering 91% of consumers aged 18-34 trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations. That means reviews have the power to build or break your brand. They serve as social proof that others have had positive experiences.
  • Impact on Purchasing Decisions: Many customers read online reviews before deciding to purchase a product or service, seeing them as a reliable source for gauging quality and satisfaction.
  • Visibility and SEO: Reviews contribute to search engine rankings by offering fresh, user-generated content. Higher visibility in search results can lead to more traffic and, subsequently, more business.
  • Consumer Engagement: Reviews create a channel for customers to engage with your business. They can provide feedback, praise, or constructive criticism, which allows you to respond and demonstrate good customer service.
  • Valuable Insights and Feedback: Every review is an opportunity to learn from your customers. They can provide insights into what your business is doing right and what could be improved. 

In essence, reviews can significantly amplify your brand's reputation, steer customer engagement, and directly affect your bottom line. 

Different Types of Reviews

Different types of reviews serve various purposes and target different aspects of your business's online presence. Understanding the importance of each can help you tailor your review collection strategy accordingly.

Google Reviews

Google reviews are perhaps the most visible, appearing directly on the search engine results page and Google Maps listings. They can greatly affect your local SEO, making your business easier to find for people searching in your area. 

Because of Google's dominance in the search engine market, these reviews are often the first impression potential customers will have of your business.

Marketplace-Specific Reviews (Amazon, eBay, etc.)

For businesses that sell products through online marketplaces like Amazon or eBay, reviews on these platforms are critical. Consumers often read these before purchasing to gauge the product's quality and the seller's reliability. 

High ratings on these platforms can increase sales and better placement in the marketplace's search and recommendation algorithms.

Mobile App Reviews

If your business offers a mobile app, reviews on app stores (Apple App Store, Google Play Store) are incredibly important. 

Positive reviews can:

  • Improve your app's visibility
  • Encourage downloads
  • Provide valuable feedback for updates

They can also significantly sway user decisions, as the app store ratings quickly indicate the app's quality.


Displaying reviews directly on your business website can be very effective. These reviews may be more detailed and personalized, reflecting specific attributes or experiences with your service or product. 

They can be curated to showcase the best testimonials, creating a narrative that aligns with your brand's message. Moreover, search engines can index these reviews, further enriching your site's content and improving SEO.

Each type of review carries weight in different areas—local search, marketplace visibility, app credibility, or direct consumer reassurance. 

Collecting and managing reviews across these platforms allows your business to create a comprehensive and compelling online reputation that resonates with consumers wherever they encounter your brand.

How To Ask for a Review

When asking for a review, your approach should be considerate, timely, and reinforce your customer's positive experience. Here are some general points to guide you on how to ask for a review:

  1. Choose the Right Moment: The best time to ask for a review is after a customer has expressed satisfaction with your service or product. Alternatively, you can identify touchpoints in the customer journey where they have experienced the most value.
  2. Be Polite and Personable: Use a friendly, appreciative tone in your request. Making your message sound personal—rather than automated or generic—can make the customer feel valued and more inclined to leave a review.
  3. Make it Easy: Provide direct links to where they can leave the review, reducing the effort required on their part. If the process is too complicated, customers may give up before even starting.

While those are good things to remember, we're here to give you more actionable guidance. Here's how you can navigate some specific scenarios and effectively request customer reviews.

How To Ask for a Review In Person

Asking for a review in person can be extremely effective, allowing for a genuine and immediate connection with the customer. When they have received excellent service, they are often more inclined to reciprocate the favor by leaving a positive review.

When concluding a transaction or service, and the customer appears happy, let them know their feedback is valuable. Acknowledge that you appreciate their business and would love to hear their thoughts on their experience. 

Mention that reviews not only help your business to improve but also assist other customers in making informed decisions. 

If possible, set up a system allowing customers to leave a review through an on-site digital interface or by scanning a QR code. Including a dedicated section on a receipt that provides instructions for leaving online feedback also makes it easier for customers to remember to post their thoughts once they leave the premises.

In-Person Review Request Template

Here's a simple template you can use when asking for a review in person:

"Thank you so much for [shopping with us/visiting us today]. We're thrilled to hear you're happy with [product/service]. It helps us out a lot when customers share their experiences online. 

If you have the time, we'd truly appreciate a review on [platform]. It’s quick and easy; you can even scan this QR code or follow the link on your receipt. Thank you again for choosing us!"

How To Ask for a Review Online

Asking for a review online can be a seamless part of various customer interactions. Here are some unintrusive ways to integrate a request:

Thank You Pages

After a customer has completed a purchase or signed up for a service online, direct them to a thank you page. Here, you can include a friendly message asking for a review, along with a simple, clickable link.

Here’s a template to work from:

“Your order is confirmed! Thank you for choosing [Your Company Name]. We're committed to providing the best service possible, and your feedback is a big part of that. 

If you've enjoyed your experience, please take a moment to leave us a review [Insert Review Link]. Thank you for helping us improve and serve you better!"

Discount Page

Consider offering a small discount or entry into a contest as a thank-you for leaving a review. It's a gentle incentive that can encourage customers to share their experiences. Ensure you're clear that the discount is for their time, not a positive review, to maintain the integrity of the feedback.

Use this template:

"Thank you for your recent purchase! We hope you love it as much as we do. We'd be grateful if you could share your thoughts in a review [Insert Review Link]. As a token of our appreciation, you'll receive [Discount/Incentive Details] for your next purchase after you’ve left your review. Your feedback makes all the difference!"

Mobile App Notification

If you have a mobile app, use in-app notifications or popups after a user has engaged with the app for a certain period or after a successful transaction. Make sure these requests don't disrupt the user experience but are instead a natural part of the interaction flow.

Here’s an example:

"Thanks for using [App Name]! Did we meet your expectations? Let us know by leaving a review and help us make your experience even better. Just tap [Review Button] – it won't take more than a minute. Thanks for being an awesome part of our community!"

How To Ask for a Review via Text

Asking for a review by text can be a highly effective strategy due to the personal and immediate nature of SMS messaging. Make sure to follow some best practices:

  • Be Concise: Text messages should be short and to the point. You have limited characters to communicate your request, so make every word count.
  • Timing: Send your text at an appropriate time—ideally, soon after the product or service experience while it's still fresh in the customer's mind, but also at a time of day when they are likely to be receptive.
  • Clear Call to Action: Provide a clear and easy way for the customer to leave a review by including a direct link to the review platform you want them to use.
  • Respect Privacy: Ensure you have the customer's consent to send them texts and avoid being too intrusive or sending too many messages.

Remember to maintain a friendly tone and reflect your brand's personality, even in the limited space of a text message. 

Text Message Review Request Template

Here’s an idea to get you started:

"Hi [Customer Name], we hope you enjoyed your [product/service] from [Business Name]! We'd love to hear your thoughts. Please leave us a review at [link to review platform]. Thank you for your support!"

How To Ask for a Review via Email

With emails, you have more space for personalization and can also include visual elements to catch the reader's eye.

Begin with a warm greeting and a personalized note about their purchase or interaction to show that you value them and recognize their individuality. When you politely request a review, ensure the process is as simple as possible by embedding a direct link or button. 

It's also a good idea to set expectations about how much time they might need to spend on this task (usually just a few minutes).

Email Review Request Template

Here's a template for asking for a review via email:

Subject: We'd Love Your Feedback, [Customer Name]!

Hi [Customer Name],

I see you've recently purchased [Product/Service] from us – I sincerely hope it's everything you wanted it to be.

At [Company Name], we constantly strive to deliver the best [products/services] and customer experiences. We believe that your feedback is critical to our growth and improvement.

If you have a few minutes, we would be grateful if you could share your experience. Your insights not only help us but also other customers who rely on reviews like yours to make informed decisions.

[Review Button]

Thank you for your trust and support. We look forward to hearing from you!

Best regards,
[Your Name]
[Contact Information]

Final Thoughts

Tactfully seeking customer reviews is crucial for enhancing your brand's reputation and fostering trust with potential customers. It's about timing, approach, and simplicity—ensure that customers feel valued and make it as easy as possible for them to share their thoughts.

Ready to 10x your software platform, mobile app, or web3 company with our automated growth engine?

In just 14 days, we help you build the same waitlist, contest, or referral program used to launch and scale Airbnb, Uber, PayPal, and 1000s of other businesses. Start your ReferralHero free trial today.

Ready to 10x your referrals with our automated referral growth engine?

In just 14 days, we help you build the same waitlist, contest, affiliate, or referral program used to launch and scale Airbnb, Uber, PayPal, and 1000s of other businesses. Start your ReferralHero free trial today.

December 10, 2023

Welcome to ReferralHero, the candy shop of growth strategies where every referral tip is a sweet treat for your business, and cavities are not included.

You know the moment when the Uber driver asks for a 5-star rating just as you're stepping out of the car? It doesn't need to be that awkward. Reviews are a crucial part of a business’s reputation and online presence. 

They help build credibility, increase visibility, and can ultimately impact consumer decisions. But how do you ask for a review in a way that's effective and not pushy?

Here are some tips, tricks, and templates to ask for a review politely and increase your chances of getting a positive response.

Why Are Reviews Important?

In the digital age, reviews have become the word-of-mouth referrals of the online world. They are essential for any business aiming to maintain a trustworthy and influential online presence.

  • Trust and Credibility: A staggering 91% of consumers aged 18-34 trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations. That means reviews have the power to build or break your brand. They serve as social proof that others have had positive experiences.
  • Impact on Purchasing Decisions: Many customers read online reviews before deciding to purchase a product or service, seeing them as a reliable source for gauging quality and satisfaction.
  • Visibility and SEO: Reviews contribute to search engine rankings by offering fresh, user-generated content. Higher visibility in search results can lead to more traffic and, subsequently, more business.
  • Consumer Engagement: Reviews create a channel for customers to engage with your business. They can provide feedback, praise, or constructive criticism, which allows you to respond and demonstrate good customer service.
  • Valuable Insights and Feedback: Every review is an opportunity to learn from your customers. They can provide insights into what your business is doing right and what could be improved. 

In essence, reviews can significantly amplify your brand's reputation, steer customer engagement, and directly affect your bottom line. 

Different Types of Reviews

Different types of reviews serve various purposes and target different aspects of your business's online presence. Understanding the importance of each can help you tailor your review collection strategy accordingly.

Google Reviews

Google reviews are perhaps the most visible, appearing directly on the search engine results page and Google Maps listings. They can greatly affect your local SEO, making your business easier to find for people searching in your area. 

Because of Google's dominance in the search engine market, these reviews are often the first impression potential customers will have of your business.

Marketplace-Specific Reviews (Amazon, eBay, etc.)

For businesses that sell products through online marketplaces like Amazon or eBay, reviews on these platforms are critical. Consumers often read these before purchasing to gauge the product's quality and the seller's reliability. 

High ratings on these platforms can increase sales and better placement in the marketplace's search and recommendation algorithms.

Mobile App Reviews

If your business offers a mobile app, reviews on app stores (Apple App Store, Google Play Store) are incredibly important. 

Positive reviews can:

  • Improve your app's visibility
  • Encourage downloads
  • Provide valuable feedback for updates

They can also significantly sway user decisions, as the app store ratings quickly indicate the app's quality.


Displaying reviews directly on your business website can be very effective. These reviews may be more detailed and personalized, reflecting specific attributes or experiences with your service or product. 

They can be curated to showcase the best testimonials, creating a narrative that aligns with your brand's message. Moreover, search engines can index these reviews, further enriching your site's content and improving SEO.

Each type of review carries weight in different areas—local search, marketplace visibility, app credibility, or direct consumer reassurance. 

Collecting and managing reviews across these platforms allows your business to create a comprehensive and compelling online reputation that resonates with consumers wherever they encounter your brand.

How To Ask for a Review

When asking for a review, your approach should be considerate, timely, and reinforce your customer's positive experience. Here are some general points to guide you on how to ask for a review:

  1. Choose the Right Moment: The best time to ask for a review is after a customer has expressed satisfaction with your service or product. Alternatively, you can identify touchpoints in the customer journey where they have experienced the most value.
  2. Be Polite and Personable: Use a friendly, appreciative tone in your request. Making your message sound personal—rather than automated or generic—can make the customer feel valued and more inclined to leave a review.
  3. Make it Easy: Provide direct links to where they can leave the review, reducing the effort required on their part. If the process is too complicated, customers may give up before even starting.

While those are good things to remember, we're here to give you more actionable guidance. Here's how you can navigate some specific scenarios and effectively request customer reviews.

How To Ask for a Review In Person

Asking for a review in person can be extremely effective, allowing for a genuine and immediate connection with the customer. When they have received excellent service, they are often more inclined to reciprocate the favor by leaving a positive review.

When concluding a transaction or service, and the customer appears happy, let them know their feedback is valuable. Acknowledge that you appreciate their business and would love to hear their thoughts on their experience. 

Mention that reviews not only help your business to improve but also assist other customers in making informed decisions. 

If possible, set up a system allowing customers to leave a review through an on-site digital interface or by scanning a QR code. Including a dedicated section on a receipt that provides instructions for leaving online feedback also makes it easier for customers to remember to post their thoughts once they leave the premises.

In-Person Review Request Template

Here's a simple template you can use when asking for a review in person:

"Thank you so much for [shopping with us/visiting us today]. We're thrilled to hear you're happy with [product/service]. It helps us out a lot when customers share their experiences online. 

If you have the time, we'd truly appreciate a review on [platform]. It’s quick and easy; you can even scan this QR code or follow the link on your receipt. Thank you again for choosing us!"

How To Ask for a Review Online

Asking for a review online can be a seamless part of various customer interactions. Here are some unintrusive ways to integrate a request:

Thank You Pages

After a customer has completed a purchase or signed up for a service online, direct them to a thank you page. Here, you can include a friendly message asking for a review, along with a simple, clickable link.

Here’s a template to work from:

“Your order is confirmed! Thank you for choosing [Your Company Name]. We're committed to providing the best service possible, and your feedback is a big part of that. 

If you've enjoyed your experience, please take a moment to leave us a review [Insert Review Link]. Thank you for helping us improve and serve you better!"

Discount Page

Consider offering a small discount or entry into a contest as a thank-you for leaving a review. It's a gentle incentive that can encourage customers to share their experiences. Ensure you're clear that the discount is for their time, not a positive review, to maintain the integrity of the feedback.

Use this template:

"Thank you for your recent purchase! We hope you love it as much as we do. We'd be grateful if you could share your thoughts in a review [Insert Review Link]. As a token of our appreciation, you'll receive [Discount/Incentive Details] for your next purchase after you’ve left your review. Your feedback makes all the difference!"

Mobile App Notification

If you have a mobile app, use in-app notifications or popups after a user has engaged with the app for a certain period or after a successful transaction. Make sure these requests don't disrupt the user experience but are instead a natural part of the interaction flow.

Here’s an example:

"Thanks for using [App Name]! Did we meet your expectations? Let us know by leaving a review and help us make your experience even better. Just tap [Review Button] – it won't take more than a minute. Thanks for being an awesome part of our community!"

How To Ask for a Review via Text

Asking for a review by text can be a highly effective strategy due to the personal and immediate nature of SMS messaging. Make sure to follow some best practices:

  • Be Concise: Text messages should be short and to the point. You have limited characters to communicate your request, so make every word count.
  • Timing: Send your text at an appropriate time—ideally, soon after the product or service experience while it's still fresh in the customer's mind, but also at a time of day when they are likely to be receptive.
  • Clear Call to Action: Provide a clear and easy way for the customer to leave a review by including a direct link to the review platform you want them to use.
  • Respect Privacy: Ensure you have the customer's consent to send them texts and avoid being too intrusive or sending too many messages.

Remember to maintain a friendly tone and reflect your brand's personality, even in the limited space of a text message. 

Text Message Review Request Template

Here’s an idea to get you started:

"Hi [Customer Name], we hope you enjoyed your [product/service] from [Business Name]! We'd love to hear your thoughts. Please leave us a review at [link to review platform]. Thank you for your support!"

How To Ask for a Review via Email

With emails, you have more space for personalization and can also include visual elements to catch the reader's eye.

Begin with a warm greeting and a personalized note about their purchase or interaction to show that you value them and recognize their individuality. When you politely request a review, ensure the process is as simple as possible by embedding a direct link or button. 

It's also a good idea to set expectations about how much time they might need to spend on this task (usually just a few minutes).

Email Review Request Template

Here's a template for asking for a review via email:

Subject: We'd Love Your Feedback, [Customer Name]!

Hi [Customer Name],

I see you've recently purchased [Product/Service] from us – I sincerely hope it's everything you wanted it to be.

At [Company Name], we constantly strive to deliver the best [products/services] and customer experiences. We believe that your feedback is critical to our growth and improvement.

If you have a few minutes, we would be grateful if you could share your experience. Your insights not only help us but also other customers who rely on reviews like yours to make informed decisions.

[Review Button]

Thank you for your trust and support. We look forward to hearing from you!

Best regards,
[Your Name]
[Contact Information]

Final Thoughts

Tactfully seeking customer reviews is crucial for enhancing your brand's reputation and fostering trust with potential customers. It's about timing, approach, and simplicity—ensure that customers feel valued and make it as easy as possible for them to share their thoughts.

Ready to 10x your software platform, mobile app, or web3 company with our automated growth engine?

In just 14 days, we help you build the same waitlist, contest, or referral program used to launch and scale Airbnb, Uber, PayPal, and 1000s of other businesses. Start your ReferralHero free trial today.

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