15 Best Ways To Grow Your Email List Fast

June 7, 2024

Welcome to ReferralHero, the tropical paradise of marketing. Leave behind the hustle and bustle of traditional campaigns and relax on our sandy shores as we bring you an endless supply of sun-kissed referrals. It’s conversion o’clock somewhere! 

Over 40% of companies have consistently increased their email marketing investment in recent years.  However, if their email list is shrinking, or is full of dead leads, that investment will have gone to waste. 

If you’re looking to upgrade your email marketing strategy, you need to have a constant stream of new subscribers. Luckily, there are tons of innovative ways to collect emails and build your base of engaged readers. 

What is an Email List 

The direct definition of an email list may seem obvious - a list of emails from leads that you can connect with - but its actual utility is vast. When wielded properly, they are 

  • Direct - Communicate one-on-one with folks who are already invested enough in your company to hand over their  email address
  • Targeted - Easily tailor emails to fit specific customer segments, or use a drip campaign to match content with their place in the conversion funnel 
  • Cost-Effective - Compared to other traditional marketing techniques, emails keep cash in your pockets 
  • Measurable - Email marketing has simple KPIs that you can track to instantly see if your content hits or not 
  • Owned - While algorithms can mess with your social media following, email lists are always yours and only degrade organically 

Your team can build upon existing relationships to encourage customer loyalty and drive conversions with campaigns like newsletters, announcements, or exclusive offers. These emails can be a little monthly or weekly reminder to clients that your company is awesome and has a lot to offer them. 

Why Your Email List Needs Continuous Growth 

Even the most explosive email campaigns will have diminishing returns. New marketers might be confused by this degradation, but there are lots of reasons why your email list might shrink or zombify. 

Reasons For Losing Subscribers 

The most straightforward reason your email list might lose steam is having groups of people unsubscribe and remove themselves. They could choose to leave the party because of 

  • Change in Preferences - Subscribers might lose interest in your content or feel like it’s irrelevant 
  • Frequency Issues - Receiving too many emails or not enough can scare people away 
  • Irrelevant Content - When emails feel too mass-produced, subscribers can feel distant from your company

While losing numbers from your subscriber list may seem like a 100% negative, you can rest assured that a culled list means your content is getting to people who want to engage with it. Unless that is, you’re overrun with zombie subscribers. 

Reasons For “Dead” Subscribers 

Even if the number of emails on your list doesn’t shrink, there are several reasons your content might fall on deaf ears. 

  • Invalid Addresses - Over time, some email addresses may become invalid due to users changing jobs, and providers, or simply abandoning their accounts
  • Content Overload - If subscribers regularly receive a barrage of emails, nothing is making your content stand out and it will likely get lost in the shuffle 
  • Spam Filters - The algorithms that internet service providers use to flag spam are constantly changing, and your content may be blocked by mistake

Whether the emails on your list are fake, or you’re on the train to spam-ville, dead subscribers can be a silent killer for your email campaign returns.  

Top 15 Ways To Grow Your Email List Fast 

These are some of the most effective ways to bring in new emails and ensure your subscribers are engaged and excited about your content. 

1. Lead Magnets 

Some things are more than worth giving your email for. Choose something that will get your user base hyped such as an ebook, whitepaper, or fun behind-the-scenes video. Let folks know that they can get this exclusive content for the low, low price of their email address. 

2. Exit-Intent Popups

Catch people on their way out with a pop-up that triggers as they leave your site. This is especially effective if they are leaving after a great interaction like making a purchase, reading an article, or combing through your entire site.  They were invested enough to get here, and they likely don’t want to forget about your brand any time soon. 

3. Referral Marketing

If you have a loyal base of subscribers that you’re bringing value to, you can encourage them to share your newsletter with their friends and family. Small rewards for each new email, or for bringing in a certain number of emails, will incentivise people to grow your mailing list for you. 

If you delay the rewards until there’s a certain level of engagement with the emails, your subscribers will be far more likely to bring in new users with a pep in their step. There’s nothing worse than getting a wave of new emails and finding out they are mostly dead accounts. 

If you’re running a referral marketing campaign outside of your email list, it’s even easier to collect new emails. Simply ask for one to connect with users about the referral, and add them to your mailing list for any other fun offers. 

4. Testimonials

Chances are there are already people who really enjoy your email content. Connect with them and find out what about your brand’s newsletter or email blasts gets them excited. 

Maybe it’s the exclusive discounts, the wealth of information, or the fun gamification elements. Whatever keeps them coming back, share it with potential leads before asking them to join in on the fun. 

5. Social Media Contests 

There are tons of fun ways to engage with users on social media through contests. Maybe you run a simple raffle, a trivia contest, or a user-generated content competition. Whatever you do, make sure that a condition of winning is that folks are signed up for your email list. 

6. Gamification 

People love games, quizzes, and anything fun to pass the time online. A great way to encourage folks to give you their email address is by sending the results of a quiz or game to them through email. You’ll be able to tap into the positive vibes they get from the game and show them that your company is fun to engage with. 

7. Coupons and Discounts

People want to see the fruits of their labour right away. When your target audience asks “What’s in it for me,” you can instantly respond with “a 10% off coupon” or “free shipping on this order.” The goal is to invest in getting their email so that you can build a relationship and make more sales in the future. 

8. Host a Webinar 

Create a webinar that gets your target audience excited, and ask for an email address when they register. The more engaging your webinar is, the easier it will be to get tons of emails coming in. Plus, the webinar itself can be a great way to give folks more information about your company, and build lasting memories. 

9. Personalized CTAs

Folks don’t want to feel like just another customer, they want to feel a real connection with you. A great way to do this is to create personalized calls to action on your site. These could be based on anything from user behaviour to demographics and more. The more specific you can get, the more likely people will be interested in your email content. 

10. Utilize Chatbots

AI is everywhere, and if you want to make an impression a well-designed chatbot can push you over the edge. Rather than jumping straight to asking for an email, have your website’s chatbot connect with users over their search intent. Once it’s proven helpful and built up a rapport, the bot can bring up your super rad email list. 

11. Retargeting Ads

Just because someone didn’t sign up for your emails right away doesn’t mean they never will. Retargeting ads can be a powerful tool to remind potential subscribers about your content and entice them to sign up. 

By using cookies to track visits to your website, you can display targeted ads to people who have shown interest in your brand, giving them that last push they need to get on that list.

12. In-Person Sign Up Sheets

When you meet new leads in the wild at a pop-up, convention, or other live event, you’ve already built up a level of trust with them. They are far more likely to offer up their email to continue the conversation. 

This is especially effective when you have brand ambassadors connecting with leads because it gives users a tangible way to learn more and an actionable goal for the ambassadors. 

13. Enticing Email Signatures 

Any time someone receives an email from someone on your team, be that a salesperson, customer service rep, or brand ambassador, they are seeing the value that your emails can bring. Turn that hit of dopamine into action by finishing every email with a call to action and a link to sign up for more. 

14. Ask In A Podcast

95% of people who regularly listen to podcasts have bought something because they heard about it on a podcast. You can harness that active listener base by appearing on an industry-relevant podcast to discuss your exclusive email content, or even run an ad encouraging people to sign up. This will establish you as an industry thought leader, and point people toward your list. 

15. Targeted Social Media Ads

Social media is great for marketing because it allows you to get ultra-specific with your targeted ads. Find out the demographics of people who are highly engaged with your email content and craft social media ads that speak directly to them. With engaging visuals and a snappy call-to-action, the emails will be rolling in in no time. 

The Bottom Line

Your email campaigns could be the most engaging, innovative content in the business, but without a dedicated base of subscribers, they will be stuck unopened in the spam folder. By bringing in new emails for your list, you keep blowing people away with every single blast.

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June 7, 2024

Welcome to ReferralHero, the tropical paradise of marketing. Leave behind the hustle and bustle of traditional campaigns and relax on our sandy shores as we bring you an endless supply of sun-kissed referrals. It’s conversion o’clock somewhere! 

Over 40% of companies have consistently increased their email marketing investment in recent years.  However, if their email list is shrinking, or is full of dead leads, that investment will have gone to waste. 

If you’re looking to upgrade your email marketing strategy, you need to have a constant stream of new subscribers. Luckily, there are tons of innovative ways to collect emails and build your base of engaged readers. 

What is an Email List 

The direct definition of an email list may seem obvious - a list of emails from leads that you can connect with - but its actual utility is vast. When wielded properly, they are 

  • Direct - Communicate one-on-one with folks who are already invested enough in your company to hand over their  email address
  • Targeted - Easily tailor emails to fit specific customer segments, or use a drip campaign to match content with their place in the conversion funnel 
  • Cost-Effective - Compared to other traditional marketing techniques, emails keep cash in your pockets 
  • Measurable - Email marketing has simple KPIs that you can track to instantly see if your content hits or not 
  • Owned - While algorithms can mess with your social media following, email lists are always yours and only degrade organically 

Your team can build upon existing relationships to encourage customer loyalty and drive conversions with campaigns like newsletters, announcements, or exclusive offers. These emails can be a little monthly or weekly reminder to clients that your company is awesome and has a lot to offer them. 

Why Your Email List Needs Continuous Growth 

Even the most explosive email campaigns will have diminishing returns. New marketers might be confused by this degradation, but there are lots of reasons why your email list might shrink or zombify. 

Reasons For Losing Subscribers 

The most straightforward reason your email list might lose steam is having groups of people unsubscribe and remove themselves. They could choose to leave the party because of 

  • Change in Preferences - Subscribers might lose interest in your content or feel like it’s irrelevant 
  • Frequency Issues - Receiving too many emails or not enough can scare people away 
  • Irrelevant Content - When emails feel too mass-produced, subscribers can feel distant from your company

While losing numbers from your subscriber list may seem like a 100% negative, you can rest assured that a culled list means your content is getting to people who want to engage with it. Unless that is, you’re overrun with zombie subscribers. 

Reasons For “Dead” Subscribers 

Even if the number of emails on your list doesn’t shrink, there are several reasons your content might fall on deaf ears. 

  • Invalid Addresses - Over time, some email addresses may become invalid due to users changing jobs, and providers, or simply abandoning their accounts
  • Content Overload - If subscribers regularly receive a barrage of emails, nothing is making your content stand out and it will likely get lost in the shuffle 
  • Spam Filters - The algorithms that internet service providers use to flag spam are constantly changing, and your content may be blocked by mistake

Whether the emails on your list are fake, or you’re on the train to spam-ville, dead subscribers can be a silent killer for your email campaign returns.  

Top 15 Ways To Grow Your Email List Fast 

These are some of the most effective ways to bring in new emails and ensure your subscribers are engaged and excited about your content. 

1. Lead Magnets 

Some things are more than worth giving your email for. Choose something that will get your user base hyped such as an ebook, whitepaper, or fun behind-the-scenes video. Let folks know that they can get this exclusive content for the low, low price of their email address. 

2. Exit-Intent Popups

Catch people on their way out with a pop-up that triggers as they leave your site. This is especially effective if they are leaving after a great interaction like making a purchase, reading an article, or combing through your entire site.  They were invested enough to get here, and they likely don’t want to forget about your brand any time soon. 

3. Referral Marketing

If you have a loyal base of subscribers that you’re bringing value to, you can encourage them to share your newsletter with their friends and family. Small rewards for each new email, or for bringing in a certain number of emails, will incentivise people to grow your mailing list for you. 

If you delay the rewards until there’s a certain level of engagement with the emails, your subscribers will be far more likely to bring in new users with a pep in their step. There’s nothing worse than getting a wave of new emails and finding out they are mostly dead accounts. 

If you’re running a referral marketing campaign outside of your email list, it’s even easier to collect new emails. Simply ask for one to connect with users about the referral, and add them to your mailing list for any other fun offers. 

4. Testimonials

Chances are there are already people who really enjoy your email content. Connect with them and find out what about your brand’s newsletter or email blasts gets them excited. 

Maybe it’s the exclusive discounts, the wealth of information, or the fun gamification elements. Whatever keeps them coming back, share it with potential leads before asking them to join in on the fun. 

5. Social Media Contests 

There are tons of fun ways to engage with users on social media through contests. Maybe you run a simple raffle, a trivia contest, or a user-generated content competition. Whatever you do, make sure that a condition of winning is that folks are signed up for your email list. 

6. Gamification 

People love games, quizzes, and anything fun to pass the time online. A great way to encourage folks to give you their email address is by sending the results of a quiz or game to them through email. You’ll be able to tap into the positive vibes they get from the game and show them that your company is fun to engage with. 

7. Coupons and Discounts

People want to see the fruits of their labour right away. When your target audience asks “What’s in it for me,” you can instantly respond with “a 10% off coupon” or “free shipping on this order.” The goal is to invest in getting their email so that you can build a relationship and make more sales in the future. 

8. Host a Webinar 

Create a webinar that gets your target audience excited, and ask for an email address when they register. The more engaging your webinar is, the easier it will be to get tons of emails coming in. Plus, the webinar itself can be a great way to give folks more information about your company, and build lasting memories. 

9. Personalized CTAs

Folks don’t want to feel like just another customer, they want to feel a real connection with you. A great way to do this is to create personalized calls to action on your site. These could be based on anything from user behaviour to demographics and more. The more specific you can get, the more likely people will be interested in your email content. 

10. Utilize Chatbots

AI is everywhere, and if you want to make an impression a well-designed chatbot can push you over the edge. Rather than jumping straight to asking for an email, have your website’s chatbot connect with users over their search intent. Once it’s proven helpful and built up a rapport, the bot can bring up your super rad email list. 

11. Retargeting Ads

Just because someone didn’t sign up for your emails right away doesn’t mean they never will. Retargeting ads can be a powerful tool to remind potential subscribers about your content and entice them to sign up. 

By using cookies to track visits to your website, you can display targeted ads to people who have shown interest in your brand, giving them that last push they need to get on that list.

12. In-Person Sign Up Sheets

When you meet new leads in the wild at a pop-up, convention, or other live event, you’ve already built up a level of trust with them. They are far more likely to offer up their email to continue the conversation. 

This is especially effective when you have brand ambassadors connecting with leads because it gives users a tangible way to learn more and an actionable goal for the ambassadors. 

13. Enticing Email Signatures 

Any time someone receives an email from someone on your team, be that a salesperson, customer service rep, or brand ambassador, they are seeing the value that your emails can bring. Turn that hit of dopamine into action by finishing every email with a call to action and a link to sign up for more. 

14. Ask In A Podcast

95% of people who regularly listen to podcasts have bought something because they heard about it on a podcast. You can harness that active listener base by appearing on an industry-relevant podcast to discuss your exclusive email content, or even run an ad encouraging people to sign up. This will establish you as an industry thought leader, and point people toward your list. 

15. Targeted Social Media Ads

Social media is great for marketing because it allows you to get ultra-specific with your targeted ads. Find out the demographics of people who are highly engaged with your email content and craft social media ads that speak directly to them. With engaging visuals and a snappy call-to-action, the emails will be rolling in in no time. 

The Bottom Line

Your email campaigns could be the most engaging, innovative content in the business, but without a dedicated base of subscribers, they will be stuck unopened in the spam folder. By bringing in new emails for your list, you keep blowing people away with every single blast.

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